about a girl named alma or something

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I had been allowed to go outside. I was told not to go far,  but I did anyway. I skipped around a lonely street until I saw something that caught my eye. A doll shop? I saw a blackboard with names so, why not write mine too? I grabbed the piece of chalk and wrote it. I turned around to look at the doll shop again however I saw a replica of me on the display. It wasn't there before, did they prepare this?

I stopped and looked at my twin doll. It had all the details. My scarf, my hat, my gilet. Did they do this in just a matter of seconds? I'm tempted to go in. I don't see a shopkeeper but the sign says open. I tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge. I walked away and it opened... how weird!

I thought before I went in the shop, then cogs clicker, grommets groaned, and springs swished. Now I'm getting more and more curious as the time went by, but I didn't know if it was safe or not.

I stepped in the room and looked for my doll. I then noticed there was lots of other dolls. I gazed at the magical sight, however I thought to myself " Were these real people?" I was curious. It looked like an army going to battle?

Still astonished by the quantity of dolls, I couldn't understand why there were so many dolls. They wore modern dresses, sailor suits, all that I could imagine. My mind snapped of where the shopkeeper had gone, maybe buying more dolls. I found my doll, but then it teleported?

I followed my doll sich was on the shelves. I noticed some dolls moving their eyes which was a bit weird, but I was determined to get my doll. The only thing that matters right now was my doll. I got on the sofa on my tip toes and desperately reached for my doll...

Standing on my tip-toes, I was really close to finally touching my beloved doll like a toddler who saw a toy they wanted in a store, but the unbelievable happened. The very second I touched my doll, a playback of my life happend in the blink of an eye. When I was a little girl,.. when I was just going to enter the store.. I then realized... I was in my doll. I then knew I couldn't turn back.

i have one of the shopkeepers view

Alma, who was astonished by the variety of dolls, was baffled by the organisation of the old-fashioned dolls. Although the interior of the shop was lonely, she was too busy, fascinated. There was ones with old fashioned dresses, abnormal shoes, scarred Gucci Flipflops, something you would see in the olden days.

In the blink of an eye, the doll was touched by Alma, the converting began. Alma dissapereard. Alma was secure in her doll. Alma was trapped. There was a blinding flash in the shop for a split second. There was a petrified scream and memories shattered into pieces in the air. The lion was now trapped in the cage. (I don't like this sentence) I was now the emperor. The ultimate capturer. Alma's body melted away; devoured into the gates of hell. Each one of her limbs quickly disintegrated , not to be seen again. I was on top of the world. The young, delightful girl, without a care in a world had been reworked to a doll.


My literacy works from schoolNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ