Chapter 1

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Tw: implied neglect and possessiveness

Third person POV

Tommy sat in his room sobbing. His father had yelled at him again and his brothers were both ignoring him. He knew that his father was busy but honestly he just wanted to talk about the village. He wanted to make some suggestions about helping the people but his father wouldn't listen. Tommy wiped his eyes on his sleeve as he decided to go to the village. He loved playing with the village children and helping out around the village. He smiled as he changed into something less formal. Even if the change wouldn't help him blend in it helped people view him as an equal and not someone above them. He ran out his door almost running into his brother. "Where are you going in such a rush?" Wilbur asks looking at Tommy's outfit suspiciously.

Tommy paused before answering "I'm going out to the garden. I just wanted to be more comfortable when I'm trying to relax." Wilbur looked at him suspiciously again before sighing.

"Okay. Have a nice time. I have to go see father because he needs something." Wilbur says. Tommy nods before running off. He ran out the front door and past the guards at the front gate. He waved at the guards before continuing his path to the village.

Tommy finally arrived at the village. The moment the villagers saw him the children surrounded him. All the adults smiled and waved at the young prince. Tommy waved back as the small children pulled him into their game. The grownups watched the boy playing with a smile. The market resumed it's usual busy state but everyone steered clear of the children. The sound of chatter and laughter fills the air once again.

Wilbur walked down the village path grumbling. His father had told him that he needed to get some stuff from the village. Unfortunately for Wilbur, both his father and his brother were busy. He was also unable to find Tommy despite him checking the garden. "Stupid Tommy. Making me go to the village." Wilbur muttered. Somewhere in the back of his mind he knew it wasn't Tommy's fault but he didn't care at the moment. Wilbur was wearing what was considered normal clothing to the village people. He knew that wearing his royal attire would just attract to much attention. He sighed as he made it to the stall and picked up the package. He immediately felt the weight of the package in his hands as he lifted it. He turned to go but paused when he saw a small child run past him. He noticed that there was a small clearing in the middle of the path. He debated on ignoring it until he heard his younger brothers voice. He walked casually towards the small sitting area that was set up right near the children. Wilbur sat down on the ground next to a villager.

She turned to him with a smile and said "hello! I don't think I've seen you before. Are you new?"

Wilbur nodded his head "I'm just here for travel. I won't be staying long. I just figured I'd see what the commotion over here was about."

The woman nodded and answered "prince Tommy ran down to the village one day crying. He was sitting on the edge of the woods. Not many saw him but the word spread quickly. The villagers all kept their children away from him in fear of being jailed. However a small orphan child ran towards the woods and he ran into Tommy. The child had stolen some bread and nobody could stop the baker. Tommy stood up and offered to pay for the bread. The baker agreed and left the young boy alone. Tommy then asked the boy why he had stolen the bread. When the boy said that he didn't have parents Tommy immediately offered to help him. He gave the child some food and money. During this a few children had slipped away from their parents. They joined Tommy and the boy by the woods. Tommy played with them until dusk when he was forced to return. Now Tommy comes by almost everyday. He's helped the village improve and we're all happier. He also helped us get a better baker after he learned that the previous one was overcharging. He's so sweet and we all love him." The woman was smiling. She seemed very passionate about her feelings and Wilbur felt some thing in his chest. He looked back at Tommy and the children to see flowers decorating Tommy's hair. Suddenly Wilbur's chest tightened and he was feeling something that he couldn't pinpoint.

Wilbur stood and said "I am afraid I have to leave. It was lovely talking to you. Thank you for telling me."

The woman turned back to the children and said "of course. I hope you have safe travels. May prime protect you."

"Thank you. May prime protect you as well." Wilbur says before turning to leave. He walked swiftly towards the castle trying to figure out his emotions. He felt protective and something else. He thought more about it and it finally hit him. He was feeling possessive over his little brother. He started thinking about how poorly they had all treated Tommy. They had never really cared about him. He needed to tell techno and his father about this. He was sure that if they saw Tommy the same way he had today they would be feeling the same way. He felt the package weighing heavily in his arms. Wilbur broke into a run once he was out of the sight of any villagers. He needed to tell his father. They had to protect Tommy. He was to precious for this world and they needed to protect him at all costs. He made it up to the castle and ran through the gates. He ran through the castle in search of either Techno or his father. He ran into Techno and fell to the ground. Techno looked at him slightly amused.

He helped Wilbur stand before asking "why were you running?"

Wilbur gasped and tried to catch his breath before saying "I need to talk with you and father."

Techno's demeanor changed really quickly and he said "about what?"

Wilbur finally caught his breath and stood up before saying "It's about Tommy."

Hello humans! How are you? Remember you are loved, you matter, eat food, drink water, I love you <3

What lies? (Possessive SBI)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora