Chapter 2

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Tw: possessiveness, implied neglect, swearing, and obsession.

Third person POV

Techno looked at Wilbur unimpressed. He scoffed at his twin and crossed his arms. "Why would we care about Tommy? Did he do something to you?" Techno asked, a little bit of concern lacing his voice.

"No no. I just feel like we've been a little harsh on him." Wilbur said.

Techno looked at Wilbur with extreme worry. He felt his twins forehead and asked "Are you feeling alright? You've come into my room more than once to rant about him. He's really just annoying."

"Come on Tech! you have to listen to me. Come with me to talk with dad. Please I just really need you to listen to me." Wilbur said desperately. Techno sighed before finally agreeing to go with Wilbur. They both rushed down the hallway and towards their fathers study.

Wilbur burst into the room immediately followed by Techno. Their father looked up, unimpressed. Wilbur and Techno both looked disheveled and Wilbur hadn't even changed into his princely attire. Their father put down the pen that he had been using as Techno closed the door.

"What do you need my boys?" Phil asks sweetly. Even if their father was upset with their appearance he still cared. For the first time in a long time Wilbur noticed the difference between how their father treated himself and Techno versus Tommy. On more than one occasion Wilbur had heard their father yelling at his younger brother despite him looking more presentable than Wilbur did right now.

"Wilbur wanted to talk with you about something." Techno said as he fussed over his hair. Wilbur rolled his eyes at how much of a perfectionist his twin was. Phil turned his expecting but comforting gaze on the brunette.

"What do you need my son?" Phil asks quietly. Wilbur pulls Techno into a chair and sat in another chair.

"Father I have come to talk to you two about Tommy." Wilbur says. The change in the room was immediate. Wilbur watched as his fathers face twisted into one of annoyance.

"What has that brat done now?" Phil hissed. Wilbur flinched a little at his fathers tone of voice. Phil immediately paused and took a deep breath. "Sorry I wasn't mad at you Wilbur. He's just been getting on my nerves." Phil said angrily. Wilbur felt his blood boil under his skin as he heard his father talk about his baby brother like that. Wilbur managed to keep his face stoic but his mind was screaming in anger.

"He didn't do anything bad I promise. I just think we've been a little harsh on him." Wilbur says quietly. His father looked at him wearily.

"Are you sure your okay? Was going to the village to much for you?" His father asked in concern. Techno snickered at the reaction that Wilbur got. Wilbur stood up, all patience gone.

"Yes I'm completely fine. I saw Tommy in a new fucking light. I saw him at the village and I realized that he's better than all of us. He's pure and innocent. He looks like he came straight from the sun itself. The gods gave us a perfect child and we haven't even realized it. We need to change now because Tommy needs protection." Wilbur yelled. His voice was filled with rage and possessiveness. Both his father and brother looked at him a little surprised.

Finally his father stood up and said "If you can show us what made you change your mind in the village then we might change our mind. Techno go get into your peasant clothing. We will leave in twenty minutes." He then swept out of the room. Techno followed him, he didn't react to anything he said but Wilbur could tell he was a little annoyed. Wilbur himself smiled at the fact that they might change their ways.

After about twenty minutes the three royals walked down to the town. The sun was still high and the sky but it was getting closer to dusk. Wilbur rushed through the crowd, very quickly finding the small children and Tommy. He scanned the area, quickly finding a seat near people who he hadn't met. He dragged his father and brother over to the spot. They all watched the young children rush around the youngest prince. Wilbur could feel his family's demeanor changing as they watched. He leaned over and whispered "go and ask that woman over there to tell you about Tommy. She explained it to me and I want you to hear what the villagers think about him." Wilbur said as he pointed at the young woman who had explained everything to him. Wilbur watched as his brother and father approached her. He watched her excitedly explain everything and he saw his fathers tense posture relax. He saw his brothers anxious and closed off posture change.

After she finished explaining his family came over to Wilbur. They helped him up and the three of them walked off. The walk back to the palace was filled with whispers of apologies and realizations. They all needed to apologize to the youngest. They came up with plans to get the blonde prince to forgive them. These plans turned into far more sinister and possessive plans. They started planning to lock the castle. They planned to never let the youngest prince out of their sights again. They needed their youngest to be dependent on them. He had become their sunshine, their light, their warmth.

The moment they arrived at the castle they immediately started planning. They planned to have dinner with the youngest. Something they hadn't done in years. They needed to make up all the lost time. They felt horrible knowing that they caused the youngest to run out to the village. They also felt unbelievably angry that such dirty scoundrels had dared to touch their sunshine. The child that they now believed to be blessed by the gods had been tainted by the peasants. They needed him to see that the common folks were bad for him. The king walked swiftly to his office to start plans on reinforcing the palace. They couldn't let their sunshine escape.

Hello humans! How are you? Remember you are loved, you matter, eat food, drink water, I love you all <3.

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