Part II - Fading Sun

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"She's awake. Stay alert." 

Men gathered around Annabel stood in a defensive stance and made a couple of passes with their hands. Wide golden rings first appeared in the air above their palms, and balls of fire flashed in them, and every single one of them looked like miniature versions of the sun. Although Sarah seemed awake, she was not able to fully comprehend where she was sitting; the sharp light of the interrogation room blinded her, and worsened her unbearable headache.

She could not concentrate on anything because of pain and, therefore, didn't notice three people walking into the room with Annabel Angelsborrow taking place in the chair in front of Sarah and holding an orange folder in her delicate hands. 

"Sarah Tkach, born on 14.04.2002?" the businesswoman spoke while throwing a quick glance through Sarah's files. 

"... Huh? Am I under arrest? You're the police? Is it too late to call my lawyer?" 

"Where do you think we are, in America?-" Ann forced an amused smile on her tired face. "-Besides, you won't need him if you have nothing to hide. We're on this case. Those you met yesterday have been caught and are being interrogated. I just want to interview you as a witness." Sarah doubtedly stared at the stranger. 

"You don't look like a cop. Do you have your ID with you?" Ann rolled her eyes in annoyance, but still held an iron grip on her words and tone. 

"Do you remember what happened to you before you lost consciousness?" 

"Well... yes? No? Probably?" Sarah herself did not know how to tell about the events at the gas station. Everything that had happened seemed to be one continuous feverish dream, and she did not want to look like a bewildered psycho: because looking already like a crumpled piece of paper, in a torn work uniform, completely covered with bruises, with shaggy dirty hair and wild eyes opened wide, Sarah's story about bandits, starstone and red butterflies would be the final reason for an unfamiliar passerby to hide a young girl in a mental hospital. 

"Tell me everything that happened at that gas station."

 "... May I know your name, miss?" 

"It's irrelevant." 

"Pretty please?" 

"Look,-" Annabel leaned forward. "-We do not have much time left, for now, at least. If you answer my questions, and answer honestly, then I will invite you to dinner and I will answer all of yours. Deal?"

 "So you're basically inviting me on a date?-" Sarah shrugged her shoulders coquettishly, running her fingers through her hair as if they could change something in that bird's nest on her head. "-Well, if you're so shy about telling me your name then maybe a phone number would do the trick? Mine is..."

One of the bodyguards that entered the room with Annabel and was standing beside her the whole time let out a very quiet chuckle that was met with the furious side eye of Angelesborrow. Sarah was comforted by her own "joke", but in a moment after her own blood ran cold when Annabel's murdering gaze went from her subordinate to the girl. 

"If you're not willing to cooperate, I will not hesitate to cut your throat wide open." Annabel snapped her fingers and golden rings also appeared above her palm, only unlike the guards, the businesswoman had blue fire instead of gold. It took Sarah a moment to realize that what she was seeing in front of her was contrary to all the laws of physics, and she had nothing else to do but mindlessly stare at a single ball sent by Annabel with one movement of her finger, and that froze a couple of centimeters from Sarah's neck. 

It was hot. Hellishly hot. Sarah felt her flesh slowly burning from under the heat. 

"Okay, okay, ma'am, chill! I'll tell you everything!" 

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