I had time to think it all over

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Tony was getting close. All he had to do was rearrange a couple of wires, move around a few bits inside the machine and then upload all of the data to FRIDAY.

He reached in with a long thin tool, gently and carefully using it to balance an interior scale. Then, he flicked a switch and connected the machine to FRIDAY.

Before he knew it, they would know when the kids were. The others had been growing increasingly restless and anxious, popping into the lab more frequently to check how much he had left to do. Pepper was holding herself together surprisingly well but as a whole, they were all a mess. Tony included.

He knew this was his fault. He hadn't stopped beating himself up about it since the kids disappeared seconds before he reached them. But a part of him couldn't help but be annoyed at the fact that the kids had snuck away from his party, gone into the lab without his or Bruce's permission and had messed around with the time machine.

God it was like something out of an awful movie.

Tony now suddenly felt heavy. It was the first time he had stopped all night and now that he had lost all of his momentum, the exhaustion was setting in. It sunk into his bones and weighed him down, dragging his eyelids over his eyes dangerously: he couldn't afford to dose off.

He was spinning around in his chair aimlessly. FRIDAY was taking an eternity to upload the data. Finally, after a thousand years had passed, FRIDAY spoke up.
"Sir, the data is uploaded. Would you like me to transfer the relevant data to your screen?"
"Yes please FRIDAY," Tony answered eagerly, waking up his screen.

There it was.
Finally, after all that work.

The exact date, time and coordinates of the children.

He immediately jumped out of his chair, ecstatic and relieved. He didn't even realise he was crying until the tears blurred his vision and he started laughing hysterically.

Tony ran out of the room to find the others, wiping the tears from his eyes so he could see where he was going.

Now all he had to do was bring them home.

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