Chapter 1: New Support Team

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"Alright, class," said Ms. Bustier, "you all have an hour of exploring to do in the garden before coming back."

The entire class stood in a beautiful park that was filled with pretty flowers. Today, their teachers came to a decision that due to the fact that it's been such nice weather for the past few days, they'd take the students out for some fresh air. However, it was obvious that they'd still get a chance to learn something at least.

"Hey, Marinette!" said Alya, "Now I can finally show you the new picture I got of Ladybug!"

The reporter right away came to Marinette's side, then shoved her phone below Bluenette's nose. Marinette hummed with a small smile as she saw her alter-ego self standing slightly crouched down with her yo-yo in hand. She looked ready to leap and leave the scene after having faced yet another akuma.

While it looked like she'd been oblivious to her friend for a moment, Marinette had spotted Alya a long time ago and was able to just stall long enough to allow her to take a photo as she knew how happy it'd made the runner of the LadyBlog.

"It looks great, Alya!" Marinette complimented.

She smiled at her friend while being very happy.

"I know!" said Alya, "You wouldn't believe how bummed I was when I got home too late and couldn't straight away upload it to my blog!"

Marinette giggled as her best friend complained. Adrien came to join the girls, Nino following him.

"Calm down, Alya!" he said, "You've already got like a billion pics of Ladybug on your blog!"

Marinette felt herself turn red upon seeing her crush, entering panic mode, hiding behind Alya. It was already crazy enough for Adrien to be her Paris-sized crush, but also the fact that he's her partner, the other half of Paris' Dynamic Duo.

If only he knew who she was. It wasn't that Marinette was still sticking to the usual rules, well in a way, she was. But at this point, she was just wondering if she can handle the heat of how she treated Adrien, her number one crush, while she was Ladybug.

Alya's voice snapped her out of her mind.

"So?" Alya yelled dramatically, "One can never have enough pictures of Ladybug!"

"What about Cat Noir?" asked Marinette.

It was a sudden ask, and it caused her friends to turn to look at her. It was almost as if something like that wasn't really...known.

"What about him?" asked Nino.

"The Ladyblog." Marinette further explained, "I know it has a lot of pictures of Ladybug but I rarely see any of Cat Noir."

Alya then hummed at the thought. It made sense. There were really very few pictures of Cat Noir and quite a lot of Ladybug. Well, it was called the "Ladyblog" for a reason.

"There you're saying something..." Alya mussed to herself, "...I better try to get some shots of him too."

"I'm sure he'll be more than willing to pose if you ask him." said Adrien.

The Model then grinned while Marinette smiled to herself. She for sure knew that her Kitty, Adrien would have the pleasure if Alya were to ask him if he'd be willing to pose. Sure, Marinette herself didn't mind attention, however, she really wished that people would give her partner (and secret crush) some more credit too.

After all, without the cat-themed hero, Ladybug wouldn't have been able to beat as many, if not, any of the akumas she had faced in her career.

"Ewww!" said a nasty voice, "Who'd want to see a picture of Cat Noir?!"

My Kitty, Cat Noir, Adrien Agreste: A Miraculous StoryWhere stories live. Discover now