Chapter 2: The Story Of How The Knight Met His Princess

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The feline hero waved her off and the class snickered at the spoiled brat's offended face that strongly resembled a fish.

"Anyway, once upon a time, Ms. Bourgeois had once again ticked someone off enough to get them akumatized..." began Cat Noir.

The cat-themed hero then looked to Nathaniel, who flinched. However, his tensed-already-up self calmed down once he couldn't find anyone angry. In fact, most of them gave Chloe the "stop being an idiot and get a life?" look. Cat Noir cleared his throat to get everyone's attention again.

"So, a poor unfortunate soul got akumatized and like all of them he wanted revenge on the one who wronged him." he continued, giving Chloe a pointing look, "Luckily, My Lady and I just happened be around the neighborhood and took care of the danger which just happened to be a giant hair-dryer that was honestly harmless other then messing up some hair a little."

Chloe shrieked in protest, only getting laughed at by everyone else.

"So after we beat and threat the akuma escaped and Ladybug and I went to visit Chloe to try and gather information aboutt the issue, guarding her since it was obvious she was the target," said the feline hero, "though she wasn't too reliable since she only spoke about how everyone adored her while I'm pretty sure the only ones who do so are her 'daddy' and her supposed to be friend that's actually just a slave."

Cat Noir rolled his eyes at that part. Everyone else followed his example.

"Uh, excuse you!" the blonde screamed, "I'll have you know that everyone loves me more than anyone else!"

Cat Noir only heavily sighed before holding his arms up in the air.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he called out, "does anybody here except Sabrina even like Chloe?!"

No one responded. No hands were raised, no nods, nothing. Alix even took it upon herself to outwardly express that it was an obvious "no" for everyone.

"Ugh!" Chloe grunted, "Who cares about you anyway?! At least Ladybug adores me and that's all that matters!"

While Marinette was very much well aware the Mayor's daughter was always living in such a crazy fantasy world where everyone loved her, hearing her going on about how Ladybug who was Marinette (even if of course Chloe had no idea about that [not that she'd earn it anytime soon]) "adoring" her was just the last straw.

"No, she doesn't! Ladybug can't even stand you!" shouted the Bluenette before stopping herself.

"And what do you know, Maritrash?" Chloe sneered.

Marinette was about to respond, but Cat Noir spoke for her.

"Her name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng and that's the truth actually!" said Cat Noir, "In fact, please allow me to return to my story! So, Ladybug and I were stuck guarding Chloe who was being her usual self and Ladybug actually got so fed up that she left me to deal with her on my own."

Marinette began to feel guilt for having to leave her poor Kitty to deal with Paris' biggest spoiled brat once she saw he didn't hide his annoyance at Ladybug.

"Not the nicest thing she's done to me considering how Chloe pretty much forced me to do her homework!" Cat Noir continued.

Multiple sympathetic noises were made upon hearing that.

"Dude," Nino cried out in disbelief, "you made Cat Noir do your homework?"

"Why is that a problem?" asked Chloe, "He said physics was his favorite subject and I couldn't just go and do the work on my own!"

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