Bad Friends

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Addy woke up the next moring with really bad morning sickness. The smell of her mothers perfum was just enough to send her over the edge.She walked quickly to the bathroom and emptied the contents of her stomach. Once she was done she realized that she and Grace were going to be late, she quickly ran out the door with Grace in hand and started the car and drove away. She notices people looking at her and whispering to each other. But she also noticed they were doing it to Amy as well. She figured it was about them sleeping with Ricky, at least that was what she hoped for. Meanwhile Grace is walking to class when someone she knows pulls her aside and ask her if she knew her sister slept with ricky.
Grace replies " No she didn't she wouldn't do that." She notices everyone is looking at her sister and whispering. She decided to speak up, "Excuse me everybody my sister wouldn't do some---." She was interupted by her sister who told grace to walk with her. When grace asked " why she would do that?"
" They were starting rumors about you having sex!!!" Her sister exclaimed.
"Grace It's not a rumor it actually happened." Adelaide stated trying to calm her sister down knowing her statement would do the opposite of that. Grace just stared at her sister with an incredulous look. "What do you mean it actually happened." Grace asked really upset.
Adelaide hung her head in shame knowing her sister was disappointed in her and will be even more disappointed when she finds out her sister is pregnant. Then grace did something that surprised her sister she hugged her and told her she wouldn't tell mom and dad if she didn't want her to. This is why Adelaide loves her sister because she was really supportive no matter what the situation. Adelaide decided to tell her sister about the baby. " Grace I'm pregnant." she says through tears. Grace just stands there shocked but knows she needs to be there for her sister. She holds on tight to her sister and doesn't let go and just let's her cry because she knows her sister needs someone.
Eventually the girl stops crying and is able to calm down.
She looks at her sister for a while and finally asks " What am I going to do Gracie?" To which her sister thinks for a moment but eventually says " I don't know LaLa." She knew it was bad when her sister called her by that nickname.
They ended up walking back inside the school building late for class.
In the middle of the day she went looking for ricky. She found him standing by a locker. "Ricky Are you telling people we did something?" she stated annoyed with the boy standing in frount of her. " Im going to tell you what I told amy when she asked me the same question. No I didn't tell anyone. Why would I?"
He stated gently as to not upset the girl. "Well then who did?" She stated upset that her business is being spread all over the school. " Im sorry to tell you but I think it was your Best Friends, I'm Sorry Addy." with that he walks away leaving the girl speechless. Adelaide finishes the rest of the day at school and has a slumber party in her room with Grace talking about the future. When Grace suggests the idea of a fashion show.Adelaide loved the idea and jumped on the opportunity to do this with her sister. Adelaide put on a dress and her bump was fairly obvious in the dress all her and grace could do was stare at it in the mirror. Well there was no way of hiding it for much longer everything she once knew is about to change. Grace and Addy continued on with their fashion show. Eventually Grace and Addy got tired and decided to go to sleep they whispered goodnights to eachother and went to sleep peacefully.
She hasn't hear from her friends in a few days but she doesn't worry about it and just hangs out with Grace and her friends. She gets home from school hearing Grace talking to her parents about Jack and her dating she decides to go sit in the living room and listens to how her dad breaks Grace's heart by telling her no that she can't date Jack again. Around that time her phone rings And she looks down to see that it's Dr. Hightower. She excuses herself from the room and takes the call.
"Hello?" she asks.
" Hello Adelaide. It's Dr. Hightower. I just wanted to see how you were doing?" the doctor stated over the phone.
"I'm doing fine." Adelaide stated nervously
"How are you feeling?" the doctor asks.
"I'm feeling okay." she states confidently.
"Any morning sickness?" The doctor asks curiously.
"Not all of the time."
"That's good."
"Your parents are very good people. They are going to be a very big help to you when they get past the news."
" You haven't told them yet have you?"
"No,not yet." She answered honestly.
" Come in with them. We will talk about it together."
"Okay I will."
She says her goodbyes and ends the call and heads to bed.
That night she couldn't sleep for anything her anxiety was at an all time high. She eventually went down stairs and got something to eat. When she noticed her mom coming down the stairs.
"Hey honey what are you doing awake? Are you okay is something bothering you?" Kathleen asks extremely concerned for her daughter.
Adelaide's lip started to quiver and she began to breakdown saying over and over she was sorry.
Kathleen wrapped her daughter in a hug. The disturbance woke everyone in the house up and they all ran down the stairs to see what the commotion was. What they see when they round the corner they see Kathleen cradling Adelaide in her arms while sitting on the floor.
She just kept saying she was sorry. Her dad walked over to help her calm down enough to say what was wrong. Once she was calm she looked over at Grace and grace told her it was okay. Her parents waited patiently for what she had to say along with Grace and Tom. She breathed in deeply and exhaled just as deeply. She gathered the courage and stated, " I had sex and now I'm 3 months pregnant." she immediately looked at her feet waiting for the yelling to start. She saw someone move towards her and looked up her mom and dad pulled her in for a hug and then Grace joined in while Tom stood there silently.
" Oh sweetheart your okay. Everything is going to be okay." Kathleen kept repeating to her daughter.
" Addy you shouldn't have kept this from us for this long that's really dangerous." Marshall said kinda disappointed with her choices.
" I'm really sorry. I didn't know what to do and I was scared that you were going to hate me."
" Honey we could never hate you never that's ridculous." Said Kathleen.
"Have you seen a doctor yet?" Marshall asked his daughter.
" Kinda I went to see Dr. Hightower to confirm it but that was a few weeks ago."
Kathleen looks to her husband and says that she will book an appointment for their daughter.
They look at each other and come to the same conclusion but Kathleen is the first to ask, " Adelaide did this happen at Cheer Camp. It's okay you can tell us?" Adelaide looks at her mom and dad and nods her head yes confirming that it did. She breathes a sigh of relief when she realizes that everything is going to be okay. They let her head up to bed she's half asleep when she hears a knock on her door. She turns to face the door and mumbles a come in. She sees Grace in the doorway and asks what's up.Grace says "I just wanted to say that I'm proud of you for telling them." To which Adelaide responds with thank you. "I love you Grace." Adelaide says full of love and admiration for her sister for helping her. Grace responds with, "Love you too LaLa."
With that she went to sleep actually excited for the future with her baby.

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