New Guy

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It's been a whole month since Melody and Harmony have been born and so much has happened in the last month. Grace and Jack are back together and busy planning their amazing future together and Grace had somehow become friends with Adrian. Adelaide has been taking care of the twins pretty much on her own with the help from her mother and grace. Amy had her son John last week and ricky has been busy over there helping amy adjust to life as a new mother while adelaide just sits around by waiting for him to show up.
She's in the shower when she hears movement on the baby monitor and rushes out of the shower and pulls on her robe and books it acrossed the hall and into the babies room only to find ricky holding Harmony while melody is sleeping soundly in her crib. Adelaide runs her fingers through her wet hair trying to calm herself down.
"What are you doing here I thought you were going to be at amy's tonight?" she asked the boy in front of her who is rocking their one month old daughter. "I figured she had it and that you could use the help here for the next couple of days." he told the girl honestly.
"You can stay the night if you want to the guest bedroom is down the hall." adelaide tells the boy. "i'm not sure that's a good idea. Don't want your parents to think i'm corupting you anymore than I already have." he says as he looks the girl in the eyes. " I feel like we need to talk about that kiss that happened a couple of weeks ago." He adds on to what he previously stated.
Adelaide sighed heavily knowing it was going to come up at some point in time. She takes harmony from ricky and picks up melody and unties her robe in order to let them feed. He keeps his eyes on hers and waits for her to talk.
"It was just a one time thing ricky I don't want a relationship. I want a mutual friendship so we can keep on taking care of these two beautiful little ladies without problems."  she said as she looked the boy in the eyes.
"Okay then if that's what you want I can work with that I'll do whatever it takes to prove to you that I'm not going anywhere anytime soon." He tells the girl while he puts some of the stuff in a laundry basket away.
"So what else is new anything exciting going on?" Ricky asks the girl.
"They have their one month checkup tommorrow it's just for measurements and stuff like that and to see where they are developmentally." Adelaide told ricky.
"Also my Dad leaves for his week long trip in three days" Adelaide says to the boy in front of her.
"That's cool where is he going?" Ricky asks the girl who is breastfeeding his daughters.
"I have no idea that's a question for the man himself." she tells him.
"I plan on taking them to the park tommorrow to give them some fresh air after their doctor's appointment." she tells him hoping to get his approval.
"That sounds cool is anyone going with you?" He says his eyes wandering down to where his girls are feeding.
"Nope just me and them. I figured that I can handle it while your at work, I've done good doing it by myself so far." She snapped at the boy.
"That's not fair i need to take care of john too I have another kid Addy not just ours." ricky stated frustrated with the girl.
" Your hardly ever even here ricky. I bathe them, I feed them, I get them dressed everyday and I change their diapers. Tell me what have you done in the last week that has benefited them. I can tell you nothing.Your never here so I can't depend on you and neither can they. Just go to amy's I got it all under control here." She told the boy in front of her.
"Okay I'll leave but I'm not going to abandon them like you think i'm doing." He says defeated. He grabs his jacket and leaves while adelaide sits there crying. Adelaide finishes feeding them and rocks them to sleep. Once they are out she places them in their individual cribs and turns out the light and heads to her room to go to sleep.
She woke up to her alarm going off and the sun shining through her curtains. She took a quick shower while the babies were asleep. She got dressed in a flowy top and ripped jeans and did some makeup as well as curled her beautiful blonde hair. She walked out of her bathroom and walked acrossed the hall to the twins nursery and flicked the light on to see the babies sleeping peacefully. She went up to harmony's crib and gently woke up the sleeping baby. She changed her diaper and fed her and got her dressed. She talked to her daughter for a little bit when she started to hear Melody stir from her slumber. She put Harmony in her swing and repeated the cycle with Melody. She got them in their car seats and hauled them down the stairs and into her car all by herself. She starts the short drive to her daughters doctors office. Adelaide got them out of the car and checked into the doctors. She waited patiently playing with her girls when she got a message on her phone from amy to which she just ignored and didn't open.She looked up as the nurse called her daughters names. The rest of the appointment went by so fast. The doctor said that the twins are right on track developmentally and said that they are incredibly intelligent for their age. She texts ricky how the appointment went and put her phone away as she drove towards the park. She parked in the parking lot and made her way to the trunk of her car and got out the twins stroller and unfolded it and got the twins out and put them in the stroller and locked her car. She walked them around for about an hour when she came acrossed a man painting in the middle of the park she stopped and watched. He must of felt her watching him because he turned around and smiled at the blonde as he gestured for her to come closer. She shyly pushed the stroller over over to where he was painting. " Hello love." The man said to adelaide obviously british. She said hello back when the man asked her, her name. "Adelaide my name is Adelaide." she told the man in front of her. She asked what his name is. " My name is Caleb but my friends call me Cal."
He said to the girl. He looked at the two beautiful babies in the stroller.
" And what are the two lovely ladies names." He asked the shy girl.
"The blonde is Harmony and the brunette is Melody." she says looking down at the girls smiling.
"Beautiful names for such beautiful girls. I take it that they take after their gorgeous mother then." he says tring to flatter her which worked. He packed up his painting stuff and walked with her to her car. And she asked if he wanted to get coffee and walk around the town with her because she didn't want to go back home yet. He agreed to go with her.They spent two hours chatting when she noticed it started to get dark. She looked at her phone to see five missed calls from ricky and ten texts. She excused herself outside with the twins and called ricky. " Adelaide where are you? Where are the girls?" Ricky said frantically. " Calm down their with me.They are safe. I'm having coffee with a friend." Little did she know ricky already knew that because adrian had seen Cal and adelaide at the coffee shop and told him everthing she saw.
Adelaide looked through the window to see Cal smiling at her so she smiled back. She told ricky that she would be home with the girls in about an hour and said her goodbyes. She walked back into the coffee shop and talked with Cal for another Thirty-five minutes during which they exchanged numbers and she also found out he has a younger sister in her grade and also found out that he was nineteen about to be twenty. He walked her to her car where they said their goodbyes and he leaned in to kiss her on the cheek. Adelaide was stunned she had never received this kind of attention before not even from her sexual encounter with ricky and she honestly enjoyed it. She looked over his shoulder to see ricky and amy standing about twelve feet away staring at herself and Cal. She thanked him for his company and said she hoped to see him again to which he replied he hoped so too. He turned and got into his nice mercedes and drove away. She noticed ricky and amy making their way acrossed the street with john in his stroller. Adelaide started to put the girls in their car seats when ricky put his hand on her shoulder signalling for her to turn around.
"Hold on ricky i'm kinda busy at the moment." she told the impatient boy.
She turns around to look at the boy to see him visibly angry.
"What are you doing taking my daughters to go screw around with a man who looks twice your age." He yells at her. She flinches not expecting him to yell at her.
" I met him at the park ricky and nothing happened and he's only three years older than me." she says not understanding why he's upset.
What breaks the tension is the loud screams from harmony and melody from the inside of the car. Ricky walked over to try to soothe them while adelaide wiped away tears and went to help while amy just stood there with john. They managed to get them calm when adelaide asks if he's coming over to which he replied with not tonight. The drive home was quiet. Adelaide enjoyed the quiet and peaceful car ride. She got home and laid the girls down in their cribs after feeding them and turned the light out and exited the room shutting the door behind her. She laid in bed and drifted to dreams about Cal.

A/N: Hi everyone I wanted to add a two new characters Cal and his Sister Natalie I figured we could incorporate a new love interest as well as give her a new friend and someone else to talk to other than just Grace you know. I also feel like it adds the perfect amount of drama. Also Why do you think that ricky exploded like that. Anyways hoped you enjoyed.

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