Seattle Day 2 [Part One]

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I let out a yawn as I woke up, feeling a weight on my shoulder. When I looked over I saw Ellie leaning against my shoulder.

"Hey, El. Wake up." I whispered to her and shook her lightly. She woke up and rubbed her eyes.
"Shit. Sorry." She said as she sat up.
"Don't worry about it." I said with a soft smile. As I got my bearings, I heard radio static from afar.
"Let's check it out." Ellie said softly and I nodded. We both got up and grabbed our bags.

We walked up the middle isle and into the room where the static came from, seeing Dina on the floor puking into a bucket.

"Hey." Ellie and I said as we walked up to Dina.
"How hot do I look right now?" Dina said sarcastically.
"Pretty hot." Ellie said, barely entertaining the joke.
"Eleven out of ten." I said and Dina chuckled. Ellie glanced at me but I ignored it.
"You fixed the radio? How?" I said as Ellie crouched and I took a knee.
"It was a loose connection. Antenna. They found our mess at the school." Dina said.
"About time." I said.
"This guy, Owen. He went AWOL." Dina said as she reached over and pointed to a polaroid that was laying on top of a huge map. Owen was in the same picture as Abby and it made my blood boil just looking at it.
"Tommy mighta gotten to him." I said as I grabbed the picture, glancing at it and then handing it to Ellie.
"Maybe." Dina said.
"What about her?" Ellie asked as she looked at the picture.
"Nothing yet." Dina said. Ellie threw the picture back on the map.
"So the numbers are locations. The TV station we were at? That's Six. There's a lot of chatter coming out of Two, so I'm assuming that's their home base..." Dina said but then the radio started going off.

"Casualties reported in Fourteen. All available units report. Over."

"This is site Thirteen. Unit Lima nearby. How many Scars you got? Over."

"Negative on Scars. Lone male trespasser. Armed. Over."

"Lone male trespasser?" Dina said.
"Has to be Tommy." I said.
"Where's Fourteen?" Ellie asked as we got closer to the map.
"Uhh.... I'm not 100% sure." Dina said.
"Take your best guess." I said.

Dina landed on a neighborhood named Hillcrest. The three of us got all of our shit together and walked towards the front door. I didn't think Dina going out was a good idea but it's not my decision to make. As I was taking the chair wedged onto the front door off, Dina started groaning in pain.

"Dina?" Ellie asked, sounding worried.
"Yeah. Not good." Dina said with a weak smile.
"We'll go get him. You stay here and track their movements, alright?" I said softly, also worried for Dina.
"Yeah.. Okay." Dina said as she looked at Ellie with a sad expression.
"I'll give you two a minute." I said as I walked outside. 

After a minute, Ellie came out and Dina looked at us from inside.

"Take care of yourself. Stay safe." I said to Dina.
"You too." She said with a smile.

Ellie and I walked off and we heard the door close behind us.

"Ready to get Tommy?" Ellie said as we walked.
"Yeah. I'm ready." I said.


After a couple hours of walking we saw a Hillcrest sign.

"Okay. Hillcrest... Is this the right place?" Ellie said as she looked at the map. Then we heard a gunshot.
"Yup. Definitely the right place." I said. Ellie put the map away and we started walking into the neighborhood.

Ellie and I walked into buildings with broken windows and already open doors, looking around to see if there was anything we could take with us. I was searching through some cabinets in the back office of a clothes store while she was searching through some metal lockers.

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