Chapter 6

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"SO BE IT." Boris would say, readying his sword for the final blow. As he swung down, Ghale would swiftly push out of the way, opening his wound once more. He would wince at the pain, but would stay focused. He had to find a way. Fast.

Ghale would run sheepishly around Boris, looking for as many openings as he could to knock him down at least. If he couldn't kill him, he could definitely try to paralyze some sort of body part. Ghale knew the rib cage was susceptible, but he knew it would be difficult to get to it. Ghale would dodge out of the way of another attack until he took another blow to the back. He would shout in pain, as he was hit directly in the spine.

Ghale would look at Boris as he approached him quickly with his sword in one hand. Ghale would then get an idea from Boris' weapon. Ghale didn't have to kill Boris, which meant that he could still damage him. Ghale would swiftly sprint towards his fallen sword and pick it up lousily. He would look back to Boris, who was running towards him with blood lust in his eyes.

Ghale would hold his back with one hand and his sword with the other, wincing from the constant pain all over his body. How was he going to do this? He was nothing without Dreg. He was nothing at all. Why shouldn't he just accept his fate and become one of these so-called 'Twigs?' Ghale's eyes would start to well up with tears, sobbing as he looked at Boris with fear.

He would then remember about the elixir. Ghale would frantically pull out the elixir out of his pocket and look at it with blurry eyes from tears. "I will cure you." He would say weakly, breathing hard.

Ghale would pour the elixir all over his sword and would dodge the running attack Boris attempted. Boris would roll away from Ghale, frowning. "I KNOW WHAT YOU DID.. DO YOU THINK I'M SOME SORT OF IDIOT?" Boris would say, growling harshly. "YOU'LL DIE FROM BLOOD LOSS BEFORE YOU COULD EVER TOUCH ME, USELESS BAG OF FLESH AND BONES."

Boris would go for another blow, which would hit Ghale directly on the bicep, cutting it nearly in half. Ghale would cry in pain, nearly dropping his sword. Boris would then spin and slash his sword towards Ghale's chest, but Ghale would fall back willingly, dodging the slash. Boris would then ready his sword to hammer it down onto Ghale, but Ghale would weakly roll out of the way, slowly getting up from the dirt and grass. "DAMNIT! STOP TRYING TO SURVIVE! YOU'LL DIE NO MATTER THE SITUATION!"

Boris would twirl his sword in the air harshly, creating a blueish wind around his sword. His sword would howl freakishly and glow blue. Boris would then suddenly dash forward with incredible speed but somehow, Ghale would successfully dodge it, getting behind Boris.

Ghale would grab onto Boris' neck, holding hard. Blood would well out of his stomach and Ghale would become weaker but his will wouldn't give up. Ghale would put his sword to Boris' neck and finally, slice his neck gently open and lay his sword in the wound. Boris would scream in agony until he fell limp, slowly breathing.

Ghale would pant and hyperventilate, blood surrounding him all over. He would start to lose his grip strength, dropping his sword from his hand and falling back with Boris sleeping on his leg. Ghale would blink slowly as he looked up at the blue sky, peace filling his body. "Maybe.. This was my purpose.. Maybe.. I wasn't supposed to be a Rogue after all.."

Ghale's Journey: The One Who Cursed The CoastWhere stories live. Discover now