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{Savage's PoV}

Here, in the vast universe, it's me—Orion Savage. Woke up from a long slumber, and suddenly I'm the guy who has to protect everyone? Here's a bit of insight on what happened. I was born in the 21st century and worked as a merc when I was 12 until I became 20. Everything changed when I was accidentally put into cryostasis, something that I have only seen in cartoons and sci-fi. When I woke up, I was in the 24th and 1/2 century, and oddly specific date but okay. I was surrounded by these people wearing colorful spandexes and a doctor who has a literal light bulb hat. They knew what I was capable of, they knew how much of a danger I was. So, they gave me an ultimatum. Become a Protectorate or go back in the ice. 

The choice was obvious.

I had one condition though; my condition was to NEVER wear their standard uniform.

You might be wondering what a Protectorate is, well I will tell you. But in the way I have been taught to because, turns out, we have this paragraph on what a Protectorate is. Seriously, this is mandatory.


The Protectorate, a bastion within the expansive celestial realm, emerges as an unwavering defender amid the tumult. This interstellar organization is a union forged by intergalactic civilizations, united in their commitment to preserve the equilibrium of the cosmos. Skilled operatives and captains compose the Protectorate, navigating the theater to confront threats that transcend star system boundaries. From countering spacefaring challenges to engaging in diplomatic endeavors with extraterrestrial societies, their missions span the spectrum of complexities. At its helm, a Protectorate Captain embodies efficiency, strategic prowess, and an unyielding commitment to the delicate galactic order. The Protectorate is more than an organization; it orchestrates a symphony, with each member playing a vital note in the universal melody. Against the backdrop of asteroid storms and anomalies, the Protectorate stands resolute—a shield against the uncertainties echoing through the boundless expanse.

I initially worked as a special operative, dealing with espionage, quick assaults, etc. But my achievements reached the higher-ups, so they decided to make me into a captain.

Today, I'm going to become a protectorate captain. Meaning I have to lead a crew. I prefer to work alone but the people I work for says otherwise. This is a promotion I literally can't refuse even if I wanted to.

Dressed in black because it's practical, with a bit of red for style, and a metal mask because I'd rather not have people see my face. My eyes glow, not for show, but as a warning. Yeah, I'm the guy who thrives in the shadows, the missions nobody else wants to touch.

In this story, I'm Orion Savage—a craftsman of efficiency, a silent force where shadows and stardust collide. When the galactic winds of uncertainty blow, I'm the one striding forth, leaving my mark in the echoes of the cosmos. I don't need a spotlight; the stars themselves bear witness to the path I tread. So, welcome to my journey, where every move echoes in the timeless expanse, and I'm just getting started.

*Now unto the story*

The hum of the spacecraft engines echoed through the metallic corridors as the Eager Young Space Cadet, wide-eyed and full of wonder, navigated the maze of the Protectorate Headquarters. His mission? To meet the enigmatic and legendary Captain Orion Savage.

The young cadet adjusted his uniform, a mix of excitement and nerves coursing through him. Word of Captain Savage's prowess and stoic demeanor had traveled far, and today marked the day Cadet embarked on a mission alongside this luminary.

As he approached the captain's quarters, the door slid open with a futuristic whoosh. The room, dimly lit with holographic star maps, carried an air of authority. In the midst of it all stood Captain Orion Savage, clad in his signature black and red attire, the metal mask made him more intimidating.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2023 ⏰

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