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Cold breeze ran through the air, Cody shivered and pulled his coat tighter around his frame. Flecks of frosty wind chilled his cheeks and caressed his hands, he fidgeted with the rim of his sleeves awkwardly. The geek slid his palms into his pockets that gave his pale hands more than enough coverage and bit his lip. He assumed the bus would show up soon, hence the fact it was unusually late. Perhaps 20 minutes off? The time didn't fly. Each empty minute was filled and marked off with boredom.

And so the process went on. One minute? It felt like 30. The temperature progressively became colder and drizzles of rain descended to the concrete. Of course the bus was late. Just his dreadful luck. Cody's eyes lit up at every signal that barely resembled the arrival of his bus, but the glimmer immediately vacated. His brown hair was disturbed and soaked; wet brunette strands plastered to the frame of his face, dripping onto his darkening shirt.

40 minutes.

It was hellish to say the least. Every passing moment seemed like thrice what it was, only source of any stimulation was focusing on the bushes and counting the glistening raindrops that slipped from the surface of the green, or the amount of splashes around him. A freezing embrace locked around him. Cody had no motivation to count anymore, the bus probably wasn't coming. As more rain showered the path and damp grass he backed away, what could he even do? Why was Luck never on his side? Was it biased? What did he even do? Cody frowned and wiped his face dry, only to be wet again. His hands returned to the faint safety of his pockets.


A car pulled over. Not to his interest. He leaned on a pole and picked at a tear on his coat while miserably humming to himself. Footsteps. The geek turned around, a blurry figure stood upon him. He blinked and gazed up. Familiar? Dark hair, tall, tan... Alejandro?... Alejandro. Rain trickled over his sight and he left his mouth agape about to say something.


Him. What was he wanting? Why was he interested? "Yep?" Cody asked looking to him, rubbing the back of his neck and shuffling his shoe around.

"Why are you just standing here? The last bus to this stop came ages ago."

Cody stayed silent and clasped the top of his head. Nobody had told him? Now his parents would kill him for being so stupid!

"I thought it was late!"

He admitted, stressed. Cody shook his head and cursed himself. Another gust of breeze picked up. Alejandro stared.

"I can give you a ride, perhaps?"
The spaniard offered-quirking his eyebrow. Cody's eyes shone.

"Please! Thank you!"

He shouted while hugging the other man tightly and smiling dorkily. As the shower became heavier he lifted his arms instinctively, smiling sheepishly down at the boy.

"I- I understand you're thankful, yes, but we should get going!"

His cheeks were dusted in scarlet. Alejandro grabbed cody's wrist and held him back. Cody still had his stupid grin stuck to his expression. It was engraved in his memory.

A brushstroke of wintry air swiftly broke between them and the teal eyes before Alejandro glinted and seemed to calm.

"Come along, amigo,"

The spaniard spun around, beckoning Cody to accompany him, he looked forward.

"So, amigo, how have you been?"

The brunette boy was standing behind as he unlocked his car. More of the dimming sky pelted its tears upon his head.

"I've been alright!"

Cody smugly said. Although he didn't get any of the winnings... there wasn't really anything good. Just the same, except with a touch more of disappointment in his house.

It was just a house. Really.

Alejandro gave a small smile and invited him in, he shuffled to the drivers seat.

"Question, why are you helping me?"

Alejandro lightly laughed and his deep eyes layed into contact with Cody's.

"Am..igo, I am known as a gentleman outside of the show, my actions were purely out of objective to win."

He simply stated, adjusting his seatbelt ever so slightly. Cody buckled the seatbelt too.

"I still don't get it, you have no interest in me?"

Alejandro furrowed his eyebrows.

"Are you getting the idea I'm always so manipulative, I assure you im not!"


Closing the doors harshly, Alejandro started the car. Cody got the cue late that he was supposed to be informing his address to the other boy and not awkwardly lounging in the plush of the seat as celadon stones observed him expectantly.

"Oh! Er..."

Cody didn't really want to be home. Correction, in his house. He was aware of the degrading whispers.

A large hand gently grasped his shoulder, a head tilted to face him. It appeared as if the boy had known his rising fear that grew in his heart. But he didn't. Or maybe he did?...

"Amigo, you can always stay with me if something were not pleasant in your home."

"That would be great."

Cody's voice was flat. He felt odd, for admitting that, out of the mere corner of his eye he saw Alejandro nod.

As the vehicle moved, a thick layer of uncomfortable quietness stung the air.

"A..Alejandro," Cody started, peering into the window and a faint feeling of warmth in his chest,


The geeky short boy held his tongue in thought. Th pitter patter against the clear shields was almost inaudible.

"Uh, is it alright if I stay with you for a few days?"

Cody laughed sheepishly and bounced his leg anxiously.

"May I ask, why do you have such a need?"


"N..Nevermind, its good." Cody nodded and looked away while picking at the skin of his lower lip.

"Its fine, you can..."

The continuity of the ride was bare and uneasy. As they came to a halt, Cody took in what was half-surprisingly Alejandro's home. It was... grand. It was larger than his own, massive really, but not palace or mansion title worthy. Still wealthy nonetheless.

"I live alone now, gracias a Dios"

Alejandro exited and softly held Cody closer to him, his belongings tucked underneath his other arm. Without another word they both went inside.

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