[ 1 ] - o(〃^▽^〃)o

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Arthur lay sprawled on the floor of Miguel O'Hara's office, surrounded by holographic screens displaying intricate data. His eyes were half-closed, and a yawn escaped his lips, echoing in the dimly lit room.

Miguel glanced at his watch, eyebrows rising at the realization of the late hour. "Go to sleep, kid. It's 3 am," he advised, concern lacing his tone.

"Mmm," Arthur mumbled, barely comprehensible.

"C'mon, hijo. Get up. That floor is uncomfortable and it can make your body itch. At least go to the sofa," Miguel urged, trying to be gentle in his manner.

"Don't wanna," Arthur protested, his voice carrying a childlike tone that made Miguel rolled his eyes.

Unable to resist, Miguel sighed and moved closer to the teenager. With a swift and practiced motion, he lifted Arthur up by the scruff of his neck, earning a wriggle and a complaint from the drowsy teen. "Miggyyyy," Arthur groaned.

Chuckling, Miguel carried him over to the nearby couch and set him down, not overly gentle but still with a measure of care. Arthur grumbled but snuggled into the cushion, finding it surprisingly comforting.

Miguel shook his head fondly at the sight. "This kid," he muttered, a mix of exasperation and affection as he returned to his work, keeping a watchful eye on Arthur to ensure the young hero would get the rest he so desperately needed.

As the night wore on, the hum of the city outside seemed to lull Arthur into a deeper slumber. Miguel spared a moment to cover the young hero with a spare blanket, tucking it around him with a paternal instinct he couldn't quite suppress.

Arthur shifted, mumbling something incoherent, his worries seemingly forgotten in the embrace of much-needed rest. Miguel allowed a small smile, silently wishing for peaceful dreams to fill the young hero's mind.

In that quiet office, the legacy of Spider-People carried on. And in that small act of care and protection, Miguel found a sense of kinship and purpose that fueled his dedication to their cause.

As the night melded into dawn, Miguel continued to work, occasionally stealing glances at Arthur. In the quiet of the early morning, he acknowledged the responsibility that came with mentoring the next generation of heroes. It was a duty he wore with pride and an understanding of the sacrifices that came with the mask.

And as the sun began to paint the sky with hues of orange and pink, Miguel O'Hara, Spider-Man 2099, vowed to support and guide Arthur Knight, a promising Arachnae in his own right, into a future where justice and heroism would prevail.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Oct 08, 2023 ⏰

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