Elvira Backstory

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Why did they leave? Did they not love me?

I always thought my parents love me thinking everyone in this building was my parents but truly they were just psychopaths. My parents never really cared. They only wanted one boy not two twin girls. Now 17 years old no matter what I wait and wait till someone else comes to adopt me and my sister, but they wouldn't want that since I was goth. Well I got my style goth from a famous person Elvira mistress of the dark. I mean I wish she had adopted me but she's far away from me anyways.

I watched outside the window for people to adopt me until I saw a widow spider on my hand which bit me, but when I killed it I noticed it was glitching? How weird...As I walked around to ask the nurse and tells her about it she thought that I was lying. She can kiss my ass...

The next day I woke up so many strange things were happening and my clothes were fitting less? And...I can hear my thoughts...I feel different

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