Roxy's backstory

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We're did I go wrong...?

my parents had twins there was nothing wrong with either one of us but apparently they wanted a boy stupid right? They even told me they should have never had had us they told me only because I was the oldest and they thought I could handle why they were going to say they were they ended up taking both of us to an orphanage because they "couldn't handle the stress" so dumb

Now at the orphanage at 17 the people at the orphanage were harsh they didn't care what I wanted they would only feed me when they wanted to.And they said once me and my sister turn 18 there kicking us out because once you turn 18 your officially a adult and what's worse my birthday is next week I Guess we'll have to see what happens.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2023 ⏰

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