7. The meeting

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To be read after BRnSG chapter 19: Tale vs Truth

7. The meeting

The hurt between them hasn't vanished.

Nico knows, knows, knows.

But the beast beckons, confident and goading, and they might finally put it to rest.

There's no time to break.

Though they need it, to reopen the wound so it may be cleaned, to shatter each other in order to heal.

Nico knows, knows, knows.

And he still pushes it back, leaves it for later.

Focuses on now.

Leo, his Leo, alive and thriving, is now in a position where he must prioritize the beast as well.

So he does not fight Nico, even though he could, even though he must want it.

Nico knows, knows, knows.

But he isn't strong enough to leave him alone, not now that they've found each other again.

And when the plan calls Leo to travel, Nico follows after.

The relative peace of their shelter is shortly disturbed by the arrival of one of the Blade's crows.

On its claws, a note calling her to the Dragon's Cradle, so she could take part in the end of this war. And perhaps, the stopping of the next.

She discusses it fully with the Lorteals, eager for what it promises, but now wary from what she's witnessed.

It is Zethrid that first takes her side, confident in her prowess. Ezor takes a bit longer, inspecting the note every way she can think of for any other information, but eventually agreeing.

Neither Axa nor Narti seemed happy with it, but agreed it'd be safer for them to be there.

The Dragon's Cradle was the name given to the furthermost area from the Galra's influence, wherein the many dragons of Altea nested during mating season. A place where they lay and cultivated their eggs so they'd be ready for the Great Hatching.

It was empty now, and would be until the first fallen leaves, though the terrain is scarred by the dragon's presences, scorch and claw marks like decorations. It makes it seem that much quieter.

That quiet did not last long, broken by whirling wind from above, as two massive drakes landed further ahead.

For all their differences, Allura would still recognize her cousin, even atop Festus' back.

The other drake pulls her attention, deep sable black scales almost syphoning the light with unnervingly glowing violet eyes. It lowers itself in tandem with Festus, and from its back climbs down a rider outfitted in armor of Esevrian make.

Leonidas is donning his own armor as well, but he is nothing but relaxed as he approaches, barely even glancing at her companions.

"Thank you for actually coming"

She swallows back the knot in her throat, the urge to scream at him about the image still imprinted in her eyelids. She hopes he already knows, that she won't have to speak it out-loud, because she knows what it would do to him.

Once a Blade, always a Blade.

"You said we could end this war" is what she says instead.

"And the next," Leo tells her, and there's a smile on his face.

Burnt gunpowder and Petrichor sweetWhere stories live. Discover now