Sweet Escape: Chapter 1

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Author's Note:

Hello there, I just want to thank you in advance for trying to read my story. It's my first one ever and I would just like to try it out so, tell me what you think! I hope you enjoy!

Also, thank you to http://d1sturbia.tumblr.com/post/24610633746 for my cover's background!


It was a hot and windy day in Florida, perfect for the Traditional Florida Keys Fair. There were roller coasters, a bunch of other rides, cotton candy, ice cream and, where it all started, snow cones.

"Can I get the blue snow cone, please?" I asked the vendor, sweetly.

"Sure," he looked up, "Bubblegum." he emphasized.

As I was waiting for him to finish up my snow cone, I looked around and noticed an enormous bright pink carousel, with horses that have rainbow colored hair. The bright pink was so pretty, I figured that it would taste as good on a snow cone.

"Excuse me," I chirped.

"What?" he answered grumpily while giving me my blue snow cone.

I folded my hands at my back, "Can I change that to pink, sir?" I asked the vendor.

"No," he narrowed his eyes at me, "I've already made yours, now move."

I didn't want to take the snow cone because I wanted the pink one so badly. I wasn't just so sweet as I child, I was also a spoiled brat.

"Please!!" I cried out loud, while stomping my feet.

"Fine, fine," he sighed, "but you have to pay for two."

I only had a dollar left, which wasleft for only one snow cone. I already bought tickets for the rides and games, so I only had a dollar left.

"I don't have any money left..." I whispered, nervously.

"Sorry, you have to pay two snow cones if you want another one." he answered, pitifully.

There was no other solution to get what I want, so I cried out so loud, I think the whole Florida heard it.

Someone was tapping me lightly on the shoulder and I shrugged it away.

"Hey, Stass," a tiny voice whispered, I couldn't see who it was 'cause my face was buried into my palms. I looked up to see who it was and saw James Marin.

If I had a list of people who would help me in times like these, James Marin wouldn't be in it, a hundred percent, absolutely. Not even close. He was the supreme bully, always teasing and laughing at people especially his favorite target, yours truly. But even though I try not to admit it, I had just a teensy weeny, crush on him. He was cute, yes, with his gorgeous deep brown hair falling to his navy green eyes and his tan skin. Oh, what a sight.

He handed me a dollar, obviously hearing me and the vendor's little argument. I didn't hesitate to get the dollar to, kind of, repay me from all he's put me through.

"Thank you," I told James, trying not to blush too much. Both from embarrassment and, you know, the little crush I had on him on the outside. I repeat, on the outside.

I handed him the blue snow cone in return. "Thank you too!" he said a little bit too fast, grabbing the snow cone and drinking the part that's already been melted.

I looked back and saw the vendor already serving other people. There was a long line, obviously because of my little tantrum.

I went closer to the vendor and tugged on his shirt. "I'm sorry," I said, head bowed down.

He looked at me and sighed, "Do you have money to pay now?" he asked me. I nodded. "Okay, fall in line again and wait for your turn."

"Okay," I beamed.

"No, it's okay," the woman he was supposed to serve interrupted, "You go ahead." she smiled.

I went and got my pink snow cone, said sorry again to the vendor and to the girl.

As I was walking towards the carousel, James caught my shoulder and I turned around. He stopped and looked down. "Uhm," he started, "Can I go... there," he said, presenting the carousel, "With you?" he said raising his eyebrows and grinned a little too fast. The "a little to fast" is his thing now, I figured.

"Sure," I answered smiling widely.

We spent the rest of the day just playing carnival games, trying out the loser rides, watching people ride the fun & scary rides and just running around. Boys would laugh at him because he was hanging out with a girl, with me. He wouldn't mind them and would just raise his fist, ready to punch 'em. He thought it was scary, it was more like adorable.

After that day, he stopped making fun of me.... Just kidding. He didn't. But he'll give me a smile after doing so. We started hanging out a lot. And by a lot, I mean every single day- except Sundays. We even swore to our lives that we'll be meeting in the playground at three o'clock in the afternoon everyday- except for Sundays.

We became best friends for three years, and my teensy weeny crush eventually developed more into a teensy weeny "like-a-lot". Well, I was eleven years old, so that's what I thought.

One day (that was July 15, on a Thursday, I remember it like it was just yesterday), he didn't show up in the playground. I waited there until dark and I just sat in the swing, pushing my feet gently from the ground, teary eyed. My mom fetched me and she ran up to me and said, "James and his family moved to a better place, with better opportunities. You should be happy for him, honey." and I just broke down with a thousand questions while hugging my mommy. "Where'd he go?" "Why'd he leave me?" "Why didn't he even say goodbye?" "Why now?" "Didn't he care for me?".

After weeks and weeks of going to the playground alone, wishing that he'll come back, I got tired and gave up. I hated him, I hated how I cared so much for him and he didn't even say goodbye, like I was nothing. I thought we would be together, forever, but I guess I was wrong. Shout out to Disney, for making every fudging living child expect happy endings. Thank you, a lot, a lot.

I never want to see him ever again, 'cause I know in my heart that even if I swore to every living person, every alien out there in outer space, that I wouldn't change my mind about him if we ever meet again, I still would. And I hated him and myself for that.

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