Sweet Escape: Chapter 3

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He sure was as heavenly as a big bowl of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. Seriously, though. He was ravishing as a greek god, as blooming as a tulip in spring, dazzling as the sunset. He was gorgeous in ways I couldn't somehow express.

"How rude, Margs," he says facing the little girl, holding her tighter in his lean arms, "Come on, introduce yourself." he says, giving a promising smile.

The little girl giggled as Jeremiah spoke. "Hi, my name is Margo." she said in her high-pitched baby voice. "I'm four years old! I sing, dance and I am a fairy princess!" she giggled and all of us laughed at her cuteness.

"Mr. Keating," He nods at my dad, "Laura," he smiles, while passing Margo to her.

"NO!!" Margo cried out loud. "No, no!!"

"Why, don't you wanna go with Laura?" Jere whispers, not silent enough for us not to hear. Margo whispers something in Jeremiah's ear. "Okay, okay. I know, I gotta introduce myself first." he answered, whispering once again and trying not to smile. She sits Margo down beside Laura, and Margo shrugs and frowns. Haha, what an adorable girl.

Jeremiah looked at me in the eye, scanning my face and tilting his head slightly to the right. What was he, a face critic? He smirked, amused I guess? And sat between my mom and I. He faced my mom first, held his hand for her to shake, "Good evening, Mrs. Keating," my mom giggled. Gross. "My name is Jeremiah Davis,"

My mom shook his hand as she answered, "Call me Kris,"

Jeremiah faced me next smirking then sighed, "Save the best for last." W h a t. My mom and dad laughed.

Mom slapped Jeremiah playfully in the arm, "You're adorable!" Jeremiah laughed nervously, probably weirded out on why my parents were laughing. Excuse me, was I the dessert or something? Save the best for last?

I faced my dad, "Really, dad?" I asked, frustrated. He just laughed. He has a sweet spot for him. It's his charm. And his really really good looks.

Laura somehow didn't find it amusing at all. "Save the best for last?" Laura exclaimed. "I am-" She stopped herself, maybe realizing that she's such a teenage drama queen.

"Sure, honey!" my dad chuckled sarcastically.

"Ugh." She grunted in frustration and shrugged.

Jeremiah faced me, "Well, I think you know my name after introducing myself about a hundred times," he chuckled to himself, "I'm Jeremiah, and you are?"

"Anastasia," I didn't look him in the eye. He might be little jerky, but he was 'sun-hot' type of hot. I'm afraid I might blush like a tomato, or even worse, melt. "Call me Stass." I cracked a smile and accidentally looked in his deep green eyes. I faced my head down fastly.

"Well, call me Jere," he beamed and snapped his fingers in front of my face. I looked up slowly. "What? Am I scary or somethin'?" he asked.

"You're creepy," I said slowly, my eyebrows knitted together.

"Ha!" He chirped, "I get that A LOT."

I laughed at how he admitted it so casually.

"What?" He asked, confused.

"Nothing, nothing. You're just," I thought of a better way of saying weird. "Uncommon. I mean, unique. Yes, unique," I rambled. I'm the worst in socializing with guys. Kill me now.

"Okay," he winked. I hope he stops those intimidating habits, it just gets my heart beating faster which causes me to sweat and ramble, which I really needed to avoid. "Margo, come 'ere!"

Laura frowned, "Why? Can't you see you're interrupting a bonding moment?" Laura rolled her eyes.

"Gross!" Margo chirped in her baby voice, finding it hard to pronounce 'R'. "Yay, Jerryy!!" she hopped off the couch skipping her way to Jeremiah.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2014 ⏰

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