Ch. 14

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The Sully children, Spider and Aluu all noticed something was wrong with their mother within the days following the incident with Lo'ak.

She looked tired and worn out. Dark circles underneath her eyes and her blue skin was turning dull. Something was wrong. And it looked like she had been crying, too.

Aluu could feel something was off, but couldn't figure out what it was. 

They all sat with her in her hut as she re-braided Tuk's hair with shaky hands. She didn't have a lot of strength, and she was getting weaker by the moment. Once she was finished, she tried to stand up, only to fall down, alarming her children.

"Mom!" they all cried and rushed to her side

They tried to comfort her as she started to weep.

"Mom?" Tuk whispered as she hugged her mother

"I'll be alright" Neytiri uttered weakly

Spider moved closer to her and gently pushed her back to lay down

"You need to rest. You're tired" 

The second her head was on the mat, her passed out into a deep slumber. The children stayed with her, watching as she slept. Her body was a bit thinner and she was more tired than normal. 

They needed to know what was happening to her. They weren't used to seeing her this way.


Netytiri was asleep for two days and it worried her children. 

Jake thought nothing of it. He was too busy with his lover to really care.

Aluu had to call Ronal to check on her and find the source of the problem. 

Ronal hovered her hand over the woman's unconscious body, feeling and searching through her to find the problem. 

Then she finally found it.

She shook her head sadly, not knowing how to tell the children.

Standing up, she braced herself for what she was about to tell them.


Aonung and Tsireya sat watching over Neytiri as their mother spoke with the Sullys. They watched as their expressions became sad and angry. But after she said something, they broke.

Kiri fell to her knees screaming and crying "No!" over and over.

Tuk broke down crying in Aluu's arms

Spider and Lo'ak shed angry tears

Neteyam was comforting Kiri as his own tears fell

Ronal left them alone to give them time to themselves. 

Later that night, they brought Neytiri to their home and laid down beside her in silent tears. They were broken from what they were told 


Tuk ran up to Ronal as she approached them after checking their mother. They were all anxious to know what she found.

"Is mom going to be ok?" she asked desperately

Ronal looked at them sadly and the look in her eyes told them it wasn't good.

"The reason your mother is so ill, is because she spirit is broken"

Lo'ak looked confused and worried "What do you mean?"

"When Na'vi mate, it's for life as you know. Our souls are bound forever to the one we choose"

She paused before speaking "But it seems, the mating bond is broken for her"

They didn't like where this was going

"It would seem...that your father has mated with another woman"

Kiri could hardly breathe "What are you trying to say? What's happening to her"

"I'm sorry. Your mother.."

They felt their world stop at her next words

"She's dying"

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