New friends.

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I was sitting in a lounge chair in some area I found to sit, I was taking my friend, I only had one close friend, not even that close anymore.

"No lo hice mejor" I heard a familiar voice,"porque fue facil!"

It was coming straight down the hall, I swear if more boy I might shoot my self..just a joke.

I see the same boys that I did with my uncle.

"SOFFIIAAA" Pedri screams and comes running down the hall,"am I that special?" I raised a brow.

"Si" he said doing a spin,"Hey Sofia" Rhenother boy said pablo,"hola" I said back.

He sat down beside me on the other chair going on his phone.

"What are you guys waiting here for?" I ask "we're actually just waiting for our teamtes that take Soo long" Pedri shrugs.


"We're going to intruduce you to them" pedri jumps "is he on crack?" I ask the shorter boy,"fifty fifty chance" Pablo laughs.

"Boys hurry up!" Pedri screams,"is the locker room down there?" I ask confused,"yes it is"

I see boys coming running down the hall and slide,"are you guys all on crack?" I laughed.


"So this is Balde" he waved,"and this Yamal he's only 16" Pedri whispers something to him witch make him go red.

Okay then?

"And this is ferran and Frenkie" Pedri pats them both on the back.

"I'm Sofia" I said and give them a quick wave, I check my watch 1pm two more hours.

"So why are you introducing me to them?" I ask

"I don't know you look the same age as us" Pedri shrugs,"it would also be nice to have any other girl in our group" That balde boy said.

"Yeah that's true"

I see the brunette boy Pablo doesn't talk much, I guess he's shy.

"JOAO HURRY UP" Pedri yells very lound Al snot busted my ear drums.

I hear footsteps coming from the hall way, I look up, that boy I ran into yesturday..damn..what?

"Joao this is sofia"

"Nice to meet you" Joao said sticking out his hand I shake it nervously.

"BOYS GET BACK TO TRAINING!" I heard I'm guessing the coach yell.

"Anyways here's my number gotta go bye" Pedri handed me his phone number.

"Thanks?" I said and laugh nervously,"bye" he said and ran away.

"Bye Sofia" Pablo said and got up to chase Pedri.

"Bye" the boy Joao why was he still here,"by Joao" I said and wavers nervously, he then ran off also, damn a lot of running

I got home from that day, it felt good getting out of the house again.

"So you feeling good?" My uncle asks,"yeah they seem to really like me..

"Yeah well your pretty and funny" my uncle shrugs going into the kitchen witch I follow him, he starts making dinner and I sit on the bar stool.

"I also told them about you and how you where very pretty"

"Why?" I laughed.

"I don't know but they really wanted to meet you"

"Hmm explains alot"

Stolen heart|Joao felix Where stories live. Discover now