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Loud noises. People everywhere. Exited kids with their luggage. Sad but also happy parents saying their goodbyes. Just like every year at the platform 9¾. Every year it was the same thing, Theodore thought as he stood at the platform. His father already left, no hugs, no kisses, no good luck son or have a good year. He came droped him off and left again, just like every year. Theodore was used to this and yet he hopes for more, every year.

He had already put his luggage in the train and was waiting for his friends now. He has had the same group of friends since first year and his friends were very dear to him. Draco, Mattheo, Enzo and Blaise were Theodore's best friends, the only people that truly mattered to him. Then he heard voices, it was Dracos voice and by the way he was talking, Theodore know exactly who he was talking to. He followed the voice and he was right, Draco was talking a Potter. Or more like making fun of him, it went so far that his to little friends had too pull Potter away from him. But for Draco was clearly enjoying this all, smirking as he watched Potter leave. Theodore who has seen everything walked up to Draco. »Nice one, but i thought Potter would be in Askaban by now« Theodre said with a little smile on his lips. »So did i, but of course Dumbledore had to save his ass again« Draco said with a passive aggressive tone, clearly not happy about having to see the "chosen one" for another year. Draco and Theodore did their little handshake and walked together to the train in silence. Malfoy had became a little taller over the holidays but he still didn't reach Theo.   »Blaise and Enzo said they would get us a department. Lets go find them« his friend said and pulled Theo with him. They searched for the rest of the group and quickly found them. Mattheo is also there, so the group is completed. They all greet each other and sit down. The boys talk about their holidays. Blaise's mother has got married again and he kept saying that the dude is twice as old as his mother and how he didn't like him at all. The group was laughing about Blaise's stories about his new step dad, number five. Then the topic changed to girls, Draco started telling them how he got Pansy Parkinson wrapped around his pinky. »Im telling you guys she would do anything i tell her« he bragged. »Yeah, okay we get it but do you even like her?« Mattheo asked with a laugh. »No but that doesn't matter as longes she likes me « the blonde hair boy joked, he didn't seem to care much about Pansy's feelings.»I don't get it, if you don't like her then whats the point? »Enzo wanted to know, he was confused by his friends words. Draco laughed his question of »my dear friend, you will figure the answer out when you are old enough for this kind of stuff « he said teasing Enzo, who just rolled his eyes. Everyone started laughing a little. All of them know that none of them were really experienced in this kind of things, they were just fifteen year old boys. Theodore himself never thought much about girls, sure he had some crushes before but nothing ever went anywhere. His mother always told him to not rush into things and save the moment for someone who is worth it and since Theodore loved his mother very much he tried to follow her advice even if she couldn't see him anymore. A sharp pain went to Theodore at the thought of his mother. Even tho he didn't get to spend much time with her because she passed away when Theodore was only five, the boy still loved and missed her mother very much.
As he was so lost in thoughts the guys went on about there holidays and all that stuff. The young Nott truly hoped that tis year wouldn't be to bad and on the bright side this way he didn't have to see his father. This was always a good thing about Hogwarts.

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