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After the long train ride, the Hogwarts express finally come to a stop. The students where picked up by the carriages and brought to Hogwarts. Everything is like always, Theodore thought. Everyone gathered in the great hall and the little first years got sorted. He remembered when he sat there with the sorting hat on his head four years ago. Theodore had been praying to get in Slytherin since he know that his father wouldn't put up with anything else. And the fact that his grandmother always told him, how he would fit great into Hufflepuff made him worry even more. Luckily he made it.
Then finally every one was sorted and the new teachers got introduced, Professor Umbridge. A small, chubby looking little woman, who in Theodores eyes looked very alike to a pig. After a the unnecessarily long speech from Dumbeldore the students were allowed to start eating. The room was filled with loud chatter. Theodore despited it when it was so loud in the great hall. He liked eating in peace, thats why he usually woke up early or come earlier to eat by himself. Its not that he disliked talking its that he liked it when he was in smaller groups of people.
Luckily dinner was over quickly and everyone made their way back to their dorms. »this year will be our year, i can just feel it« Draco rambled on as they were on they way to the dungeon. Theo rolled his eyes, his friend said that already since the past four years and nothing has happened.  Blaise chuckled »yeah sure mate« All the other ones joined Blaise's laughter. »You all can laugh all you want but it true« there blonde friend tried to defend himself. »And how do you know that, if i may ask?« Mattheo asked in a sarcastic voice. »Dont you guys see it? Potter is constantly getting laughed at because of least year events with that Hufflepuff. No one is believing him.« Malfoy explained with the biggest grin on his face. »And what does that have to do with us? I mean sure, its nice to see him suffer a little too but in the end it won't change anything. Potter will find a way to the spot light like always.« Theodore said with a bitter tone. »Don't be so negative Theo, Potter won't get anywhere this year and i will make sure of that« Draco went on with his speech but none of his friends really listened to him anymore.
In their dorm everything was the same, Theo took the same bed like every year just like the others. After the long day all of them were tired and went to sleep soon.

After only a few minutes snoring was heard from his friends but Theodore couldn't find sleep. He moved around but nothing helped. The boy sat up in his bed and stood up with a long sigh. Theodore didn't bother to change his pajamas and left the dorm. He made his way out of the common room and followed where his feet lead him. He traveled trough the entire castle till he reached the Astronomy tower. The young boy has been going there since first year, every time he couldn't sleep or needed to clear his head. It was his place, only his. Theo climbed up the long stairs to tower. After like ten minutes he had reached the top of the tower, he moved closer to the edge to get a better look to the stars. His steps echoed on the floor as he walked. The stars were shining bright and it looked like something out of a book or movie.
Theodore would never get sick of this view, there was nothing more that he loved more than this. His grandmother always told him that every good person who dies, will have a place on the sky as a star. This was a thing he had holded on to since ever and he believed that his mother was watching him from the sky as a star. Once again sadness washed over him. He missed his mother desperately in moments like this and wonder why she of all people was taken from him.

As Theodore was deep in his own little word, he suddenly heard quick movements from behind him. He did a fast turn and looked around. Theo didn't spot any one, no person, no animal and no shadow. At first he thought that it was his mind playing tricks on him but just a few minutes later he heard it again. It was sounded like someone was walking down the stairs but that would mean someone was here when Theo got here. The boy went back to the stairs and looled down in hopes to find the person walking them. Yet again Theodore didn't see anybody, they most have been further down thats why he didn't see them. Who could that be?  He the idea to follow the person, crossed his mind but he decided against it. He shock this weird moments off his mind and went back to where he stood before. Theo sat down and leaned against the wall of the tower, looking up to the sky.

He stayed like this for what seemed like an entire before going back to his dorm. Back there he still didn't felt very tired but it was around 4 a.m. and tomorrow is a school day so he knew he had to sleep now. He laid back in his bed and closed his eyes hoping the sleep would take over him soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2023 ⏰

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