We all love Michael Clifford

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There are obviously more than 101 reasons to love this beautiful human being called Michael Gordon Clifford. Those were just very few reasons and things I love about him.

Michael is truly incredible inside and out. He might have done some problematic things in the past but he has shown us how much he has changed. He was young and naive and didn't know that the things he said were bad. As he got older and more mature he learned more things and understood what's wrong and right. He apologised and shown how much he's grown. Being a good person does not require constant perfection. It's about fucking up a lot, and then learning from your mistakes. It's about being a little better every day than you were the day before. Now, he has an amazing personality, great views and knowledge on a lot of subjects that he didn't before. He has evolved as a person and I am so proud of him.

When he had time off this month, he could have been off partying and going to orgies (not that there's anything wrong with that I would gladly go to an orgy I' so t h i r s t y) but instead he renovated a nice room for himself to play games in and spent time with his parents. He doesn't try to be anything he's not, he is true to himself and others and does not act a certain just because he's famous now. He likes playing video games, staying indoors amd being a couch potato and he has not stopped doing any of these things just because he's supposed to fulfil a certain image. He hasn't let it go to his head, he's still grounded and humble to the point that he turns into an excited little kitten when someone like Taylor Swift or Harry Styles wants to be his friend.

Michael blamed himself when he lost his passport and couldn't attend a show and also when his hair caught on fire and couldn't finish another show. That is completely wrong because it was not his fault and there is nothing he could have done about it. Nevertheless, he made jokes out of both situations and tried to make everyone -including himself- feel better.

Michael loves us, his fans so much and he tries to show us in every way possible. Looking at fan photos you can see the way he looks at fans, so loving and caring. When he hugs them it's not just the typical fan hug that could be considered a chore, it's something more. He truly loves us and is grateful to have us because we made him dream come true. He's such a sweet and humble human being.

Michael is honestly an amazing person and the world would be a better place if more people were like him.

He is my favourite person in the whole world, my sun, my moon and all of my stars, my everything. I love him more than words can describe and I am so grateful for having him in my life -the way I do anyway- and being able to wake up every morning knowing that I will see his beautiful face on the frame above my bed, my phone case, my shirt etc. His smile, oh god his smile, is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen and looking at it makes my heart flutter and it fills me with so much joy and happiness. He makes me happy without even trying and I couldn't ask for anything or anyone better.

This so called book was truly something that I started because obviously I really love Michael Clifford and when people asked me why I felt like opening a 500 slide Power Point presentation naming every single thing I love about him. I really wanted people to know and understand why this man is and deserves being loved by so many people. I couldn't fit all of the things I love about him here, not even close, mostly because this ended up being just my fangirling, daily Michael feels and lots of pretty photos and gifs. But that doesn't matter. Because at the end of the day, we all love Michael Clifford.

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