3 | Code Busters

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They zoom through the forest, so high in the high they can see over the treetops. Leaves spin in the air as they fly past on their brooms and the six rangers whoop at the feeling of suck freedom. A feeling that would've felt amplified if they weren't morphed. Eve can almost feel the wind in her hair, similar to riding in her jeep or standing by the waves at the beach. She loves it.

A grin stretches across her face and she feels like she belongs. She belongs in these woods with these people, with magic everywhere you can look or feel.

But she still misses Reefside. She had gotten used to and fallen in love with those woods. She had just begun to notice the natural magic of the water,, the animals, the trees and their roots, of everything in the woods, connecting them together as an ecosystem, a living place.

And she especially misses Tommy.

A yelp pulls Eve out of her head and she jerks her head back with a shout. "Sorry, Clare!"

"You guys need to put traffic lights up out here!" Clare yells back with an exasperated expression, her eyes wide at the sudden fear of having her head whipped off because of them speeding bye.

The boys snicker at her ire while the girls roll their eyes at their amusement of the poor girl.

"Come on, Pinkie! Try to keep up!" Nick teases back at Vida who's glare is felt by everyone even without it directed towards them or truly scene through her helmet. Nick swoops down towards the trees to duck out of her ranger as she speeds after him.

"No one calls me 'pinky'!" She says, chasing after the ranger in red.

"Go get him, V!" Xander laughs. The other four rangers follow after the red and pink ranger to get a front row seat of the smack down.

"You better run!" Vida yells out to Nick. The two swoop through the quickly thickening woods as they fly further into the trees.

"You still there?" Nick throws back at her with a smirk. The smirk falls off his face as he turns back ahead to a tree right in front of him. He yelps, turning to a stop. And Vida flies right by him with a laugh.

"Who's in the lead now, Nickey-boy?" Vida mocks.

"That would be me!" Chip shouts, quickly zooming ahead of Vida.

"I think you mean me," Eve grins as she skirts around Chip and weaves her way past him. Chip laughs and speeds up behind her. But he just isn't fast enough. Eve is the first one to Rootcore.

The six rangers circle around the giant tree that is Rootcore once.

"Dismount!" The rangers call, jumping off their brooms and demorphing as they go down to the forest floor. Their boots touch the dirt and they bend their knees to take the impact before catching their brooms out of the air.

"Very good, Rangers!" Udonna praises with a bright smile.

"That's enough Mystic Race practice for today," She says. Chip and Vida protest with big pouts on their faces.

"Awe, come on," Chip whines. "Just one more lap around the forest"

"Yeah, I'm just getting warmed up!" Vida adds, pleading with the wise woman.

"I wanna see what this bad boy can really do" She grins. The other rangers snicker and smile at her enthusiasm. Udonna shakes her head, fondly amused.

"I'm afraid not. It's time for elementary incantations." Udonna informs.

"Bor-ing," Chip and Vida groan, throwing their heads back while rolling their eyes.

"Hey, I think that sounds pretty interesting" Madison comments as they begin making their way towards Rootcore's entrance.

"Only you, sis," Vida huffs. Eve shakes her head.

"Learning incantations isn't that bad compared to the more tedious things you get into after learning the basics" Eve mentions. She nudges Madison with her elbow.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2023 ⏰

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