Forest Birthday - Yuta(SMUTT)

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Tonight was your birthday, and you were out at the beach with 3 of your friends: Violet, Sam, and Yuta.

You arrive on the beach jogging a little to go meet the others that were already there. You smile and wave at everyone, greeting them properly. Violet gives you a nice Celine box as a birthday gift, and you thank her for her kind action. Sam gives you a big hug while lifting you and calls you birthday girl!

Once Sam puts you down, you turn to Yuta who was just standing there and you smile and wave at him.

"Hi yuta!!"

Yuta chuckles and smiles with his eyes at your actions. "Come here", he says as he opens his arms for a hug. You happily go in his arms to feel his embrace.

Sam looks over at Yuta, then back at Violet before shrugging "why does he act like that towards her?", whispering to Violet.

"I don't know... he likes her I guess? but she seems to loveee it", violet answers while smiling a little.

Yuta then wraps his arms around your waist and rests his chin on your neck. "Happy birthday, pretty girl", he spoke quietly to you.

"Thank you!", you said while softly smiling up at him.

"So... what should we do? What does the birthday girl want to do?"

You hold his fingers while swinging with them (?). "I would like to run away, but since that's not possible, I don't really know... what do you have in mind?", you say looking up at him.

Yuta watches you play with his fingers and listens carefully. "Hmm" he says as he's looking at the others. "What if we go walk in that forest over there, I'm sure it'll be safe!", he points at the direction of the dark forest.

Violet shrugs a little but tries to play it cool by saying "sure, I love forests!" even though she's lying...

"Alright then, let's go!" you said while smiling and started walking.

Yuta tries to catch up with you, and once he did, he wraps his arm around your neck and walks with you.

Violet and Sam are walking behind you two as Violet is asking Sam to stay close to her in the forest since she's a little scared.

"Just a question... why are we in a forest at night, on your birthday party? Shouldn't we go have fun??", violet asks you.

"We'll just take a little walk, and then we'll do something more fun!" you look back at her with a comforting smile.

"Okay! Cool!"

You're not really able to see much, since it is very dark in the forest, but you're trying your best. You're trying to touch Yuta to see where he is, since you can't see.

"I'm right here, what are you talking about?" yuta says as he glues his body on you until you feel every single part of him.

"Oh!!.. hi",you smile a little.

You guys have been walking for a few minutes and Yuta is starting to get irritated because Violet keeps talking. So he slows his walking and turns around, looking at her in confusion. " Hey, what's with you today? You don't look so good, is something bothering you?, he says as he stops walking at faces her.

"Yuta... I think she's fine, come on now", you say trying to grab his hand so you can all continue walking.

"Im perfectly fine. I'm celebrating my friend's birthday!!", Violet answers.

"Hold on angel", Yuta says speaking to you. "You don't look so fine, your face is burning. Come onnn, tell me what's wrong so we can sort this out", he says trying to mess with her.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2023 ⏰

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