Close as strangers-Part3mis

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(Idk if anyone will read/understand this but- eh- also Spoilers for ready player one! Sorry!!!!)

Art3mis's pov: I started to feel like me and Parzival were drifting apart. Ever since everything that happened in the OASIS everything has been distant with us. But where was Parzival or Wade anyways? Also I barely know whether to call him Parzival or Wade since I'm so used to calling him Parzival in the OASIS when we run it.

"Parzival? WADE? Where are you?" I called out as I heard crying coming from the bathroom. It was Wade's crying and I knew it was since he always cried while thinking about either me breaking his heart or nightmares.
"O-over here..." Wade struggled out, as he cried even more, I began walking over to the bathroom. Knocking on the door so I gave him privacy. I also heard "Close as strangers" by 5 seconds of summer before he opened the door and paused it, but it was weird hearing that he wasn't listening to Hallidays 80's mix. Since he normally only listened to Hallidays stuff ever since he died and ever since we found the egg and saved the world. But we did it together, because truthfully I was in love with him even if we barely knew each other and were enemies at some point in time.

"A-Arty..." Wade began as his voice cracked
"Hm?" I questioned as he pulled me into a big bear hug, burying his head into my shoulder blade.
"AH-" I yelled, I wasn't the most affectionate person but I liked it only because it was Wade- Aka Parzival hugging me. "You can call me Sam or Samantha y'know?" I added as he nodded in understanding.
"I knowwww but I like the nickname I'm always using for you Artyyyy" He held out nervously as he continued to hug me tight, I blushed a lot at his affection. Thank gosh Shoto isn't here to see this I would've been a nervous wreck if one of our friends and fellow gunters we're here. Aech would've been fangirling right now even if her avatar is a boy, in the OASIS she would be fanboying over us being together but in real life it would be fangirling.
Aech has a girlfriend that we don't know yet since we both haven't seen Aech in a while but we will eventually see her again at the annual Gunter reunion at the OASIS. So sometime again soon Parzival will reunite with his best friend Aech!
"Anyways... enough with sitting in silence hugging and having thoughts about the reunion what's up my Parzi?" I asked as I wiped a few of his tears with my sleeve.

Parzival's pov: As Arty asked that I froze, thinking about me and Arty in the past. IOI and the Sux0rs- I mean Sixers and Art3mis breaking my heart at that club. I suddenly broke down more while continuing to hug Art3mis.
"A-Arty.. it's just all that we've been through, the Sux0rs trying to take over the world... them taking you and taking me at one point it's all a mess in my brain.." I eventually replied after I unfroze of course which was a minute later.

(~I'm mixing the book and the movie hah~)

"Shhhh it's okay Parzi" She said back in a calming voice, while continuing to hug me for a while until she suddenly picked me up in her strong arms.
"H-HUH?!" I stuttered when she picked me up, my face was all red, my tears were being wiped away as I was carried into bed.
"Sleep tonight.. while cuddling me Parzi~ after all we aren't strangers, we aren't even close as strangers like the song you were listening too said" Arty replied as I was laying down with her. Starting to get comfortable in our cuddle as we both fell asleep together in the same bed and the same bedroom.

(Sorry if this isn't really my usual stuff but I had to write one of my favorite ships rn
Parzival x Art3mis! Hopefully you liked it even if you may not be in the fandom or might have just finished the movie or best of all the book! Byeeeeee!~Liv)
(Word count: 710!)

Genre oneshots (previously: book oneshots)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora