The Ceaseless Wheel Turns Again (AT)

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Pibby, Villain, Azula, Blue Diamond, and Pearl faced off against their giant foe.

But instead of fighting against this group, the giant turns around and... runs away?? It fled immediately.

"Uh..." Pibby was bewildered. "Why did he flee? He never fled when it was just me, and I defeated him a bunch of times."

"Like I said, nothing I couldn't handle," Villain said. "Anyway, we need to talk, Pibby. But first, who was that? He didn't seem dangerous at all."

"That was Sweet P. Well, that used to be him. He was a good guy. Unfortunately, after he died and subsequently lost the Night Sword, a sword that shackles and suppresses malevolent beings, his... tenant took over and is currently puppeting his corpse." Pibby explained.

"Tenant?" Azula inquired.

"Yes. The Lich," Pibby sighed. "The Lich is one of my most formidable foes to date. His only desire is to destroy all life, and there's nothing he wouldn't do to accomplish this goal. He's tried many times to kill me, but I've triumphed over him at every turn."

"Big evil guy wants to kill people. How horrifying." Villain said sarcastically. "In case you didn't know, there's a bigger enemy we have to deal with. Do you know of the corruption?"

"The Corruption?" Pibby asked. She chuckled before holding up her hand.

The corruption oozes from it. She creates several shapes and weapons from it before it returns to her body.

"Not a problem. You know, there isn't a trace of the corruption in this universe. I made sure of that. It hasn't shown up in years, so it's most likely all gone by now." Pibby said.

'I... how?! It can be controlled... somehow...' Villain thought, more surprised than he's ever been.

"Okay... well, how'd you manage that? How can you control your corruption when no one else could?"

If he had an answer to this, then saving everyone would be made easy.


"I hate to burst your bubble, Pibby, but the corruption still exists." Azula interrupted. "Almost all of us are corrupted. If it weren't for the wand, which was once an egg, we would've succumbed to it by now."

"Wand?" Pibby inquired. Villain handed her the wand. As soon as she touched it, she felt the corruption within her being suppressed rapidly.

'Woah! This thing's already powerful, but it still has room to grow. If fully evolved, it could be a match for my Harmony.' She glances toward her sword.

Pibby hands the wand back to Villain and says, "Interesting item you have there."

"Anyway, come with me," Pibby begins taking them somewhere. "When I got here, this world wasn't corrupted yet. So I set up a sanctuary to protect it from the corruption in case it ever arrived. It worked like a charm. After I displayed my power, everyone unanimously agreed to live under me. Everything's been swell ever since."

They arrived at a massive city in a few minutes. It was clean, there were floating cars, and happy children running around and playing. It was a paradise, as Pibby had described.

"Welcome to your happy ending, guys. Make yourselves at home."

Blue Diamond, Pearl, and even Azula were excited at the idea of a supposed haven for them. But Villain didn't believe it.

"Yeah, no," He said.

"Excuse me?" Pibby said, confused.

"You expect me to believe that everything is just fine and dandy here? Not a chance."

Darkest DaysOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora