Russia x reader aka crack galore

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WARNINGS: crack and swearing 

reader p.o.v 

i am for unknown reasons the target of my schools bullies i suppose it's because i'm different and people are afraid of different, history is a prime example of this but i'm getting sidetracked you see this isn't like the whole bullying where people just say stuff to you and it like hurts but you move on no this is like some next level shit right here theres like physical violence against a girl the feminists are going to have a field day with this one "hey yo (insert insult here,my personal favourite is Hündin i'll let you google that one yourselves)" i ignored them and kept walking even though i know it's in vain i just don't wanna give them ammunition "don't ignore me bitch" head down pretend you don't hear them walk to a populated area (WARNING: THIS IS GOING TO BE LIKE A REALLY BAD COMIC BOOK FIGHT SCENE WITH LIKE SOUND EFFECTS AND SHIT)  and then said dude who has been bugging me grabs my arm rather harshly i might add and slams me against a brick wall just before the safehaven "i said don't ignore me bitch" and then he like punches my face and shizz and then outta like fucking no wear that random russian kid shows up and it's all like bam, pow and explosions and like that guy he got fuckin rekt #rektrandomdude "wow you like totally saved me" i tell russian kid in like a surfer dude accent you know the one you saw nemo "it was no problem da? my name is ivan and being yours?" (how do you even type a russian accent) "o-oh up mine is (name)" i say blushing you wtf why you blush girl why you blush " pretty name become one with me da?" he looks almost no totally he looks totally fucking yandere and we don't want this to end like school days did so lets just say yes shall we inner (name) voice "u-um da?" i ask unsure of myself and he looks really fucking surprised like 'wat did dis bitch really just accept omg #justgirlythings' "я тебя люблю" he says in what is obviously russian "yo tell me what that means one day and i might have a response"

as you can see sleep deprived me is way too fucking happy for her own good, also the russian in this means i love you for those of you who were wondering

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