canada x reader -yellow-

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WARNINGS: this is so pretentious i'm sorry 

Look at the stars,

Look how they shine for you,

And everything you do,

Yeah, they were all yellow.

You stood on the hill gazing up at stars, blissfully unaware of a presence beside you. The young Canadian man stood admiring you, and the way the billions of tiny yellow suns seemed to shine just for you. Though of course his own insecurities would prevent him from telling you so, no matter how much he wanted to. Fortunately for him, you seemed to understand the ever so vague ways he expressed his love for you. 

Your skin,

Oh yeah your skin and bones,

Turn into

Something beautiful,

You know,

You know I love you so,

You know I love you so.

He honestly didn't know how someone made of all the same stuff as everyone else could be so utterly different and beautiful in so many ways. In ways that make him pale in comparison and yet make him feel like the most appreciated person in the world. Oh how he loved you, his dear princess.

I swam across,

I jumped across for you,

Oh what a thing to do.

'Cause you were all yellow,

Your skin,

Oh yeah your skin and bones,

Turn into

Something beautiful,

And you know,

For you I'd bleed myself dry,

For you I'd bleed myself dry.

He would do anything for you, anything to keep you with him. A small part of him would always fear you'd leave him, no matter how many times you assured him you wouldn't, not for anything in the world. He couldn't help but notice that seemingly everyone else was far more deserving of you than him- and yet you chose him of all the people in this world. Yes, for you would do anything. This world needs you far more than it does him, he decides.

Look at the stars,

Look how they shine for you,

And all the things that you do.

Mustering all the courage in him, he decided to tell you everything. About how beautiful and perfect you are and yet all that came out was "(Y/N), all the lights in the sky shine for you." And though disappointed, he was glad to have gotten that much out for you merely giggled and replied with "Oh matthew, I love you." And all the disappointment washed away because you knew, even when he couldn't find the courage or words to say how he feels, you knew and you understood.

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