Wedding Preparations

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Young Stephan is getting married today.He's just a little sad as usual, but today is different from the others.Today is March 4th.It's the day his brother Marcus died.Marcus died under the stones trying to save him.No matter how much he blamed himself, his brother wasn't coming back.But he believed there was a solution, or at least he wanted to.That's why he's getting married, for Marcus.The witch Martinella said she would bring his brother back if he married her daughter Mariena. It wasn't his daughter's marriage she wanted, it was immortality.
Stefan came from a wealthy family, descended from one of the Norman barons, so the wedding preparations took a long time. Some people said that Stefan's grandmother Martha had found immortality and gone away. In fact, no one knew whether she was alive or dead, except her.
Stephan felt bad so he slept by the lake without attending the night meal.
But the witch not only took ownership of the castle and helped with the preparations, but for no reason at all she was sneaking into every room in the castle, as if she was looking for something, something valuable. After dinner, everyone retired to their rooms.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2023 ⏰

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