Soul Spell VII

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Fred and Hermione lay together on the sofa in each other's arms

"You know I'm still really pissed off at you." He said.

"I know." She said sadly.

"You had absolutely no right to do that, Granger."

She sighed.

"You could've been killed. You almost were. Don't ever pull anything like that on me ever again, okay?"

Hermione nodded.

"So what happens now?" He asked.

"Oh. I dunno, it's.." she started.

"What. Happens. Now?" Asks Fred.

"Well not many people know exactly because these spells are very rare. But when the spell is successful, both people have a sort of half and half energy. So right now, I have half of your energy and you have half of mine."

"So it's like if I have a cheese sandwich and you have a ham sandwich and we half them and switch one half, we get one whole sandwich each but we both have equal ham and equal cheese." Said Fred.

"Sort of, yeah. Ham and cheese." She giggled.

"Ham and cheese." Fred repeated.

"I don't know what happens really, the magic is too rare for people to have properly studied it. They might switch back or you might just be stuck with me your whole life."

"And what does energy mean?"

"Life energy is what sort of grounds us. It's what heals us, makes us get up in the morning, what helps us breathe. When you went through what you went through, your life energy fizzled out, so I tried to make a bond, giving you half of mine, when yours came back, half was meant to go into me but it only works both ways if the other feels the same."

"What you're saying is your energy is super clingy and mine played hard to get." Fred said, nuzzling into Hermione's neck

"Yeah but we got there in the end."

"And what about the injuries? If I get hurt will you still feel it?" He asked

"We should feel our own now." Said Hermione.

"Can I test it?"

"No fred, you'll do something dumb."

"What if you give me a hickey?"

"We can't do that here." Hermione hissed. But Fred was already attacking her neck with his lips.

"Yeah I know, so let's go home to my bed and we can test it."


"What did you see in the daydream? Because I know for a fact you didn't just see peace and quiet."

"Us." She said. "In a lake."

"And I could see your red bra through your white shirt." He said. "And you kissed me."

"How did you know that..?" She asked.

"Hermione I test the products, you know. I did one at the same time." He said, smiling. "I think I've loved you for a very long time, Granger. I've just been too scared to admit it until now."

Hermione kissed him gently.

"I'm still really really pissed of at you though, Granger."

"Well I'm about to make it up to you." She winked, making him blush

Really, I'm Yours - Fremione One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now