The Truth Comes Out

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Recap: Once he was done reading it, he looked back up at his father with a questioning look...

H: What is this? What's Hogwarts?

A: Look, Haz. There is something I need to tell you about. I haven't totally been honest with you about your past.

H: Dad, what are you talking about? What's going on?

He looked over at his brothers, who's faces had become sad.

A: Harry, I am not your biological father. See, your parents died when you were a baby. They were killed by the most powerful wizard that has ever lived. Your mother was able to save you by giving her life. You were found in the ruins of the house, and were brought to live with me.

H: What are you saying? That wizards exist?

SI: Yes, and all of us are wizards.

H: Woah, hold up. You're telling me that I can do magic?

R: Exactly. Every time you made something fall of the shelf or explode, that was magic. We have been hiding all of this from you to protect you.

H: So, what's the deal with the letter. Is this some sort of wizards school?

SE: Hogwarts is a school for young wizards and witches where they can learn to prefect their abilities and be ready for the real magical world. It's where we all work. Dad's actually the headmaster, and we are all teachers. Sirius teaches charms, Remus teaches Defense Against the Dark Arts, and I am the Potions teacher.

A: What do you say, Harry? You wanna go to Hogwarts? We would live there all year round, so we would have to move out of this house.

H: I would love to. That would be awesome. Learning magic and making friends.

A: We knew you would be all over it. Well, go start getting packed. We leave in a few days to be there before the other students.

I ran to my room, suddenly more excited than when I woke up. I packed everything I would need for school and went back downstairs to join the party again.

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