I'll Always be Here - Robert Smiles x Lloyd Joe ⚠💗

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requested by my pookie bear @limerencce_

warnings!! angst, hurt/comfort, implied character death, brief alcohol use


Robert sat at the counter of the now-empty Berwyn Parlor. He knew it had been old, but when he asked the owner, Lloyd Joe, he was shocked to know it had been run day and night for over three hundred years. He rested his tired head on his hand and sighed. It had been just over two months since Nancy and Leo had ̶b̶r̶u̶t̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ ̶d̶i̶e̶d̶ passed. Since they had passed. He took a swig of his whiskey as he felt tears welling up in his eyes, when he was startled by a familiar voice.

"Mr Smiles! So good to see my favorite regular again." Lloyd, the bartender and owner said. His smile was large, and his eyes shined. Robert had always been partial to Lloyd over the other bartenders, and had always secretly wondered if Lloyd was just really nice or subtly flirting with him. He wasn't sure how he felt about the latter, but he was sure that every time he even so much as thought about Lloyd, his heart fluttered and his stomach churned. He didn't look up, so Lloyd promptly set his hand on Robert's shoulder.

"Are you alright, Mr Smiles?" Lloyd said, leaning down to meet Robert's gaze, his accent thick and deep. Robert had always hated when he was called 'Mr Smiles'. It made him sound like his dad. And he hated his dad. 

Lloyd's brown eyes looked almost red in this light, contrasting to Robert's bright blue. Lloyd's hand softly grazed Robert's neck, slowly making it's way up to his face. Robert's face flushed and he felt goosebumps form where Lloyd's hand once was. 

Lloyd softly traced Robert's defined cheek as he said again, "Robert? Are you alright?" Robert finally spoke. "No. I'm not alright!" As he suddenly jerked his head up. "I haven't BEEN alright! My wife and son just died in the hospital two months ago, and all you can ask is 'Mr Smiles, are you alright? Are you alright Mr Smiles?' AS IF I CAN JUST TELL YOU WHAT I'VE BEEN THROUGH!" He quickly stood up, tears welling and blurring his vision. 

His hair had become wild and straggly in this state, and he took off his glasses to wipe his tears. He sniffed as he felt Lloyd put his hand on Robert's back to guide him to his seat. Lloyd sat down on the stool next to him and held him. Robert melted into the man's arms, crying into his neck loudly. "I'm a failure! I couldn't even raise my kid to eighteen before he dies in my arms! It's all my fault!" He sobbed as Lloyd ran his hands through Robert's dark brown hair.

"It's alright," Lloyd said. "Just let it out." Robert nestled his face into Lloyd's neck, calming down and now quietly crying, tears rolling down his cheeks. "Just breathe, love. I'm here. I'll always be here." Lloyd said, holding Robert in his arms. They sat at the deserted bar together, just listening to each other breathe for a while. Robert then took a few deep breaths, wiped his tears and pulled himself off of the slightly smaller man.

"Thank you, Lloyd," Robert said, laughing a little. He scratched the back of his neck and sniffled. "For everything, really." He said. Lloyd took Robert's hand and with the other, cupped his cheek once more. They stared into each other's eyes, and leaned in. Their lips touched gently and Robert crumbled under the overwhelming feeling. His stomach turned and his heart raced as Lloyd deepened the kiss. They became one and the same, if just for a moment. Robert wrapped his arm's around Lloyd's neck as they did so. Their lips parted and Robert smiled, feeling Lloyd's breath on his face. Lloyd ran his hand through Robert's hair again, and they both laughed.

"I've always suspected you had it out for me, Lloyd," Robert said, breaking the silence. "Was it that obvious?" Lloyd retorted sarcastically, as he playfully smiled. They had finally shown their love for one another, and maybe this was the beginning of something new. Something special.


A/N This one was SO much fun to write LOL!!! Im making the dirty one next >X3

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