Chapter 7

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Ana POV~

I woke up,did my morning routine then realized that today was Nessa's birthday."Eli wake up!"I yelled at him. I put on a Hello Kitty shirt that tied at the bottom,blue shorts,and some red toms.I left my hair down and put on a red Braine that had a black bow on it."We have to go get a gift from Nessa."I said.Jacob has been planning this for who knows how long so he wanted everyone to meet up with him later.We went to the mall and Eli just. decided he would pay for the gift that I picked out.So I choose these two iPhone cases and this charm bracelet that had all her favorite things on it."Thanks Eli." I said kissing him.Since we still had some time left, we just walked around the mall an ran into Kiara and Jacob...together? "Are you guys together?"I asked."Jacob nodded and kissed her cheek. Kiara got her a couple of shirts and and some nail polish."What did you get her Jacob?"I asked."Just follow me."he said rubbing his hands together.This boy is just stupid but sadly I still associate with him.We ended up waking into this pet store and he led us to this cute puppy.In the box was this male Dalmatian puppy,it was soo cute! "Wait you got her a puppy!?!"I asked.Wow he was not kidding about this party."Well you know your like my brother too and my birthday is in 3months."I said smiling.He laughed at me and went to go get all the stuff for the dog.Once he got everything, we went back to his place to set up.

Joy POV~

I woke up around 1pm since I was up late last night on my phone.I turned on some music and did my routine;I looked at the date then saw it was the day of the party.To make things even worse,I didn't have a gift for her.Probably everybody was at the mall so I couldn't go anywhere.I put on a letterman jacket,floral jeans,and some biker boots.I got on my computer and somehow made a mix tape for her.Then I went through my closet and picked up these wedge sneakers I got for her a while ago.After that I went downstairs so that I could put it in a bag."Wait you guys were here the whole time?"I asked.All of them were setting everything up in the kitchen and living room."Yea we just had to be quiet so Nessa wouldn't come down here."Ana said.Wow they could've sent me a text or called me so I would know all of this.I put my stuff in a bag and helped them out with everything else.

Roc POV~

Once I got up I saw all these texts and missed calls from Ana,Kiara,Jacob and Joy.So I looked at the time and started getting ready.I grabbed all my stuff and drove to Jacob's house.As soon as I opened the door,everybody was there setting up."Guys I will be right back,I need to talk to Nessa."I said."Ok we'll be done in a few so I will call you when we're ready."Jacob said.As I made my way upstairs,Joy kept staring at me but I just ignored it.I opened Nessa's door and she closed it automatically."I'm not ready yet,one second!"she yelled out.While I was standing at her door,Joy was still looking at me like I did something wrong."Now come in."she said.She looked beautiful;she wore a Elmo mustache shirt,short, and some red converse.I sat down on her bed and pulled her on my lap."Why didn't you tell me about Jaden?"I asked."I didn't want him to hurt me."she said.Jaden better be lucky that I didn't beat him up because she probably would've been dead."Just forget about him plus it's your birthday and I got you something."I said.It was kind of last minute so I tried my best.I gave her my football jersey and my favorite gold chain."See when I'm a famous football player you will already have my jersey."I said.She laughed and I put the gold chain around her neck."I can't accept this from you,it's your favorite."she said."Well now it's on my favorite girl so that makes it even more special."I said.Then she started kissing me so of course I kissed back."ROC WE'RE READY!!"I heard people scream.I broke the kiss and grabbed her hand."Close your eyes."I said.She closed her eyes then I started taking her downstairs.

Vanessa POV~

This has got to be the best birthday that I've ever had.But I guess it wasn't over since Roc told me to close my eyes."Now open your eyes."he said."SUPRISE!!"everyone yelled out.I was so shocked since I didn't have a party last year."Who did all of this?"I asked.Everybody pointed to Jacob then I ran to hug him."Thank you."I said."Anything for my little sis."he said kissing my forehead.This is the best birthday I've ever had!"Now lets start the party!"Joy yelled out staring the music.It was so much fun and we danced for about 3 hours."Now it's time for gifts."Roc said pulling me on his lap.When he did that I saw Joy look over at us like we did something wrong."Me first!"Ray and Craig yelled out.Ray got me some vans and Craig got me some converse."Thanks guys."I said giving them a hug.Next was Trevor and he just gave me $50.Joy made me a mix tape and some wedge sneakers. Kiara got me some shirts with nail polish and Ana got me a few iPhone cases with a charm bracelet that had all my favorite things on it."Now it's my turn,saved the best for last."Jacob said and ran off.Everybody was smiling like crazy since they knew what he was talking about."Happy birthday sissy!"he said handing me a puppy.I literally started freaking out like he actually got me a dog!"Thank you Thank you soo much!"I said grabbing the dog then the doorbell rang.Once I opened the door I realized it was a bad idea.

Jaden POV~

I knew today was Nessa's birthday,plus I wanted to give her something so I went to her house.When she opened the door she just kind of stood there in shock."Can I come in?"I asked.She still stood there,not answering my question."Who is that Nessa?"Roc asked coming over to her.Once he saw that it was me he immediately balled a fist in his hand.

"What are you doing here?"he asked."I just wanted to tell her happy birthday and give her a hug."I said. That was probably a bad thing to say because he just got more mad."You're not going to come anywhere near her."he said.Then Jacob came over I guess to see what was going on."What is he doing here?"He asked."You know what,Happy Birthday Nessa."I said and left.I just wanted to talk to her for a while but I guess I will just do that later.

Jacob POV~

Jaden did the right thing by leaving because I was ready to beat him up again.Things got really awkward since Trevor was there and I was with Kiara now.Plus Joy was acting all weird because Roc was hanging out with Nessa the whole.I thought Joy and Roc were going out,I need to figure this out so I pulled him into the kitchen."Aren't you going out with Joy?"I asked him.He stayed quiet then started walking away but I stopped him."Look she's always hanging around this Harry dude like I'm not her boyfriend anymore so I'm over it."he said and left.I just walked back into the living room and pulled Kiara on my lap.

We started playing games as Nessa played with her puppy.She ended up naming him Oreo,which was really cool.As time went on all of the girls started falling asleep except Nessa.We took the girls upstairs while Nessa watched movie with us."Ok guys I'm tired so goodnight and thanks for the party."she said kissing my cheek then kissing Roc.He started deepening the kiss which got awkward for everybody including me."Ok night Nessa!"I yelled out then she went to her room.

We graduated in about two years so we had a while to go but hopefully time would go by fast.Our coach sent out all of our football information to all these different schools.He told us that we should get a letter soon,I guess he wanted us to start training early."So what if we do get accepted?"Ray asked."I guess we just have to tell the girls."I said.I mean I'm sure the girls will be just fine without us, it's just this whole Jaden and Nessa problem.We watched one more movie then everybody feel asleep.

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