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Red and blue lights flickered profusely throughout the gloomy night as Tec began to awaken, he initially thought that this was some sort of bad dream but it was definitely reality,

His body had been cramped in the back seat of a vehicle; Everything was pitch black inside, and separating him from the front seats were metal bars, he soon realized that he had been laying in a squad car— and just as he came back to, the door was opened allowing him to hear voices as a flashlight had been shun into his eyes,

"He's conscious again," the officer said into the radio "There are two suspects in custody as of right now, the driver had been traveling at an irate speed and what was supposed to be a simple traffic stop— turned into something way more serious, however the situation is being taken care of and we're waiting on an EMT to assist the victim,"

Tec quickly began springing back to life while having a slight panic attack due to being drugged, and sitting in the back of that police car; Flashbacks of when he had gotten arrested plagued his mind and all he wanted to do was get out of there, "Let me out!" he said now shoving the officers out of his way in order to escape,

He miscalculated his steps which caused him to hit the cold pavement yet he didn't linger on the ground much longer; Standing to his feet and using his hands to shield his eyes from the bright lights he began hyperventilating, "It's okay Lu just breathe— I'm here for you and I've got you," an officer said in a calming voice as he rested his hands on Tec's shoulders

"...Dad," his face softened while staring at the man he loathed and loved at the same time

Before they could even dive deep into a conversation, the EMT had arrived and requested for Tec to come and see them, fortunately he was alright for the most part— just a bit shaken up by everything that had occurred, it all happened in a flash

"Man I thought this shit only happened to white folks," he said earning small laughter from the workers as they released him "Appreciate y'all,"

He then pulled out his phone seeing several missed calls from family, especially Celeste and Sabine as well as Mulan who had called and text the most, obviously they were aware now of what had happened due to his father informing Celeste, who ultimately passed the message along,

"Why don't you let me give you a ride back to your mom's place? It won't be a problem at all..."

Tec glanced up from his phone in order to look at his father, he eventually refused the offer "Nah I'm sure you got other shit going on, bigger dealings and situations than this here, I'll find a ride,"

"Nothing nor anybody will ever be more important to me than my own flesh and blood,"

"You sure?" Tec scoffed as his arrogance was beginning to settle in causing a frown to surface on Jermaine's, which is his father's name— face

"Just get your ass in the fuckin' car Lu,"

The pair eventually headed off to Celeste's home where she and Sabine had been waiting tirelessly; Upon entering he was bombarded by the two of them as tears cascaded down their cheeks, he then assured to them that he was fine, "Oh thank God my baby is alright!" Celeste squeezed him tightly

"I'm so sorry Lu Bug! I should've never left you alone with Yana and her stank ass friend! Please don't start back giving me the cold shoulder, I'll make it up to you I promise!" she pleaded "Whatever you want me to do I'll do it, I'll change my ways— I'll stop being so hardheaded and listen to you I swear bruh!"

"You good baby girl I'm just grateful to be standing here with y'all for real," he wrapped his arms around her and Celeste as Jermaine watched from afar

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