21 - where he loves to kiss you the most

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Charlie Dalton:
- neck
Feels like he loves your neck for some reason, he just loves giving a peck when sexual or not. He thinks it's the easiest access to give a peck somewhere when your turned or facing him.

Neil Perry:
- forehead
Whenever he's just looking down at you he'll give a peck on your forehead. He thinks it's so cute to knowing you're short, it's a way he lets you know he's taller than you. And also forehead kisses before bed 👐🏻.

Todd Anderson:
- cheek
Something very simple and cute. But also not too much. Whenever you guys are close next to each other he'll just give a quick kiss on your cheek and smile at you. It's a way he lets you know he's happy when you're around.

Gerard Pitts:
- nose
He loves kissing your cute nose. He's just obsessed, and it's not something simple like a forehead kiss or a cheek kiss but somewhere a little odd to give a peck. That's why he likes it.

Knox Overstreet:
- lips
Lips is his def fave. He loves your to kiss your lips and will continue to kiss you on your lips until the day he dies he says. But Knox loves to kiss you everywhere too.

Steven Meeks:
- hand
A kiss on a hand is a simple gesture to show love and respect in his opinion. When you guys go out on a date he kisses your hand when he first sees you, a kiss on the hand is the way to go whenever.

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