23 - going out to eat

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Charlie Dalton:
- an expensive restaurant
- pulls out your chair and kisses your hand
- spends way too much money on you for your food
- gets a large steak and eats it all
- prob drinks too much wine or something
- gets a little drunk
- gets like 3 cakes and ice cream for dessert

Neil Perry:
- nice little bit fancy restaurant
- definitely you guys are a little out of place cause instead of being like everyone else eating and talking quietly you were both just laughing loudly
- everyone was looking at you guys ^
- holding hands under table
- buys whatever you want
- also pulls out your chair like a gentleman

Todd Anderson:
- a small restaurant around the corner
- wasn't many people so you guys talked as loudly as you wanted
- you guys share a plate of food and dessert
- very calm and nice out going
- holding hands across the table
- just being in love with each others presence

Gerard Pitts:
- a busy restaurant
- very loud in there
- but he ended up talking to random people he saw 😭?
- made good friends that night
- when you both got seated he accidentally dropped something and made all the attention on you guys
- orders like 10 different items
- can't decide on dessert so gets lots of everything
- drinks 3 Shirley temples

Knox Overstreet:
- a fancy restaurant
- pays for whatever you desire
- gets big ribs for himself
- eats all of it too fast
- bad idea cause he got sick and you both had to leave early
- its okay cause for dessert you both ended up getting ice cream from an ice cream truck when he felt better

Steven Meeks:
- casual restaurant
- shared food together
- ate a bowl of ice cream together but ended up stealing for himself
- and then eats more ice cream
- pulls out your chair for you of course
- says it's your birthday just so he can see the workers sing for you 😭
- thought it was funny

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