Leaving Y/C

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(y/c is your country)

Your pov 😜😜

I wake up to the annoying beeping of my stupid alarm clock. I reach up and slap around my bedside table until I find the button to turn off my alarm clock. After waiting a few minutes in bed, I finally get up and groggily walk to the bathroom. I turn on the bathroom light and lock the door. I pull my pants down and sit on the toilet, barely being able to keep my eyes open. 

I finish my pee and get up to wash my hands. I splash my face just after I wash my hands to wake myself up. Unfortunately it works and I am awakened by the cold water on my face. Then I suddenly remember it's the day that I leave to go to F/U (favourite university) I smile widely thinking about who my roommate will be in the dorms. I remember seeing the picture of quite a large dorm, lots of space for me and my roommate. I snap out of my thoughts and quickly run to the shower to turn it on. I strip down while waiting for the hot water to properly turn on and see if I actually look alright. Then I remember how short I used to be when we got the new mirror. I could barely see my eyes on my tippy toes! Now I'm about 2 feet taller. Not much of an improvement tbh. I'm still pretty short. I roll my eyes at my thought and walk into the shower. I smile feeling the warm water hit my skin. 

After washing myself and singing my favourite song in the shower, I have to get out. 'I haven't even checked what time it is.' I think annoyedly. I dry off and grab any of my bathroom products from the cabinet, it feels a lot emptier than it used to. My mum said I could bring as many towels as I wanted from the bathrooms. She's such a good mum 😊 

After bringing everything to my bedroom, I grab a good bag to put it in. I grab most of my clothes from my closet and stuff them in several suitcases. I grab a few books cuz why not, and stuff them into a bag. I run to the kitchen to grab a ton of snacks. I'm gonna need it for this plane ride. All the way to *whatever state your fav uni is*requires tons of snacks. I grab my melatonin gummies that I've been taking since I was a child, mum bought a lot of packs for me to take with me. I take all the snacks and tins of gummies to my room and stuff them in the same bag as my books.I grab my phone and it's charger off my bedside table and grab my nightlight as well, it's quite a bright light but can help me see without disturbing others! I stuff the light inside my bag and grab my iPad from the shelf. This thing is old as fuck but still has fun games on it. I grab a second charger for the iPad and get the charging block. (A block that charges without a charging port) 

I stuff it in my backpack then start collecting all the books I bought for my classes. I grab my pencil case and water bottle and put them in the bag too. I grab some pictures of my friends. I smile at them and put them in the bag. I grab the drawing my best friend drew for me and place it neatly in the back of the bag. 

I let out a long sigh and collapse onto my bed. I wonder if my roommate is gonna be nice. What if they don't like me? I imagine terrible scenarios in my head about them making me even more insecure that I already am. I shake my head. They wouldn't be that mean to someone they just met! I'm sure someone there wouldn't be that mean anyway. 

I check the time in my watch, 4am? God damn! My plane leaves soon!! I run to my parents bedroom to wake them up. I open their door and shake my mum gently. "Mum.." I whisper. She opens her eyes slowly. "Mum I've gotta leave soon." She lets out an 'oh!' And hugs me and smacks my dad to wake him up. He turns over and looks at my mum angrily "what?" He asks groggily. "I'm leaving tonight dad," his eyes widen and he jumps up. And hugs me "yuck! You're sweaty, dad!" I push him off me playfully. I quickly text my senior year group chat to let everyone know I'm going. I quite liked that class. I was friends with almost everyone. Most replied almost instantly congratulating me about getting into F/U. I smile at their messages and type back 'tysm guys, I'm so excited!' They said their goodbyes and I run to my brother's bedroom to wake him up and say goodbye.

I shake him roughly and he wakes up with a jump. "I'm leaving rn fatty!" I inform him. He smiles and sighs in relief "Thank god you're leaving! Can I have your room??" He asks excitedly. "No." I reply and give him a hug. I run out the door, turning the bright light on on the way out. "HEY!!" I hear him scream from his bedroom. I snicker and grab as many bags as I can and walk out of my room to the front door. 

I walk to my car and open the boot, I stuff the bags in to make as much space as possible. Then I remember something. I run back to my room and grab an extra bag on the way there. I open the bag and drop my stuffed animals in. I make sure all of them are in there, I need these to live. 🤨 I grab the rest of my bags including my stuffed animal bag and run out to my car. I put some of my bags with my essentials in the back seat. I give my mum and brother one last big hug and hop into the front seat with my dad. 

He drives me to the airport and waits with me and my bags at the gate. I see a few kids around there around my age. I've seen them around high school a bit. One with black hair catches me staring and stares back. When I notices he's looking back I turn my head the other way. I put my AirPods in to relieve the embarrassment and listen to my favourite playlist. 

After a few minutes my dad taps my shoulder and informs me that they are boarding now. I hug him and say goodbye and walk off with my bags. 

I walk into the plane with my carry on and find my seat. And guess whos next to me. The boy I looked at earlier! I panic in my mind. But my thoughts are interrupted by the boy saying hi. I say hi back to him and introduce myself. He introduces himself as 'Stan Marsh' and we hit it off instantly. I found that he is going to F/U too! During the flight, we talked and became friends. We exchanged numbers and continued messing around. He told me how his girlfriend Wendy just broke up with him over the holidays, but he wasn't too upset about it. He was actually considering breaking up with her until she did it for him. Of course he was sad to throw over 10 years of relationship away, but it was never a healthy relationship anyway. I told him how I was friends with her and she didn't seem to care as well. She even posted about some new boyfriend! I told Stan that the boy was probably rubbish though. 

Time skip to the end of the flight. 

I woke up leaned against something. I lift my head and realise I was resting on Stan's shoulder and that it's the end of the flight. I see he is still sleeping, and I feel guilty about waking him up, but I have to. So I gently shake him awake. He wakes up slowly and I tell him that it's the end of the flight. 

Time skip to ur dorm and when you've unpacked everything.

After a while, Stan walks in and starts unpacking, me not realising that he's in the room. Then I start singing an embarrassing song. I hear giggling behind me and turn around. "Oh, hi Stan,ey-" I greet him. 

"Hey Y/n, nice singing" he encourages me. I smile shyly and throw my pillow at him. "Hey!" He yells. "I was being nice" he rolls his eyes playfully and throws the pillow back at me. I give him the same playful attitude by mocking him. He walks over to me and picks me up. 

"Hey!! Put me down brat!" I yell at him. He simply shakes his head and drops me onto his bed "OOF" I yell dramatically as I fall onto his bed, earning us a knock on the wall from the 'neighbours' "sorry!" We both yell in the direction of the knock. We look at eachother for a few seconds, but then Burst into laughing.

1552 words not including this part! Hope you enjoyed and updates might take a while! Mostly just bc I'm trying to make these long for u ❤️ Ilysm and I'll see you in the next chapter when it's out! ❤️❤️

My Dumbass Roommate [Stan Marsh x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now