Bebe's Party

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I look at my phone when I receive a text,

Wendster- Heyy, Bebe's havin a party. You down to come?

Me- Uhm Ofc! Who wouldn't! Bebe's parties are the BEST!

Wendster- Amazing, 6:30pm today, Bebe's vacation house

Me- 👍

I put my phone down. "You goin to Bebe's party tonight?" I ask Stan. He nods his head, still looking at his laptop on his desk. 

Time skip to 5:30

I walk to the bathroom in me and Stan's dorm and lock the door. I start putting makeup on for Bebe's party. When satisfied with my appearance, I walk to me and Stan's closet supplied by the uni. I look around my side of the closet for a while until I finally find the perfect outfit. I smile and take it to the bathroom with me. I tell Stan that he can just get changed out here and tell me when he's done as I get dressed in the bathroom. He smiles and nods as I walk into the bathroom. I slip the clothes on and wait until Stan tells me he's done. 

Tim skip. 

Wendy gives me the address to Bebe's holiday home, and it's pretty close! Me and Stan walk out of campus and make our way to Bebe's holiday home. We knock on the door and it's answered by Wendy. "Hii y/n!!" I wave and smile brightly as Stan pushes past Wendy "come in! Come in!! She moves out of the way to let me come inside. The house is packed already!

Time skip later into the party :)

"H-hey pretty -hIc- lady.." a drunk boy comes up to me. "Uhm hello.." I say to him "W-wanna -HIC- come with me to t-the -HIC- lake?" He asks me, stuttering and hiccuping throughout the sentence. My heart immediately starts racing "N-no thank you sir, I'm good." I deny. He grabs my wrist. "Y-you're -HIC- coming with me." He says lowly. I look at him in fear while he tries to drag me out the front door. I struggle against him until I am pulled back by someone. I look behind me "Stan!" I exclaim happily, turning around and hugging him. He hugs me back with one arm and talks to the boy "Leave her alone." The boy shakes his head "she wants t-to -HIC- come w-wit-h m-HiC-e." He drunkenly finished his sentence "No she doesn't, go away bitch" the boy looks offended but obeys and walks away. "Thanks Stan!" I thank him gratefully. That dumbass kid. "No problem y/n" he smiles at me. I hang around him for the rest of the party. I don't wanna come across that dumbass again. 

The rest of the party went by quick. We played games and shit till we went home. I barely drank, I don't need to go to jail for underage drinking. (My understanding is that the legal drinking age in America is 21? Idk, where I live it's 18 so 😜) 

On the walk home, I stole Stan's jacket. What better way to annoy your dumb roommate than to steal their jacket? When I put it on, I was suddenly hit by a wave of warmth. I turn around to Stan looking at him in disbelief. "This thing is so fucking warm!" I exclaim. He raises an eyebrow and catches up to me. "How do you wear this thing all the time??" I ask him. He shrugs and keeps walking, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his sweatpants. I roll my eyes at him not talking, knowing it's just the author being fucking lazy AHEM OLIVIA. COUGH COUGH.😡 Uhm anyway.. I have to admit, Stan does look good without his jacket. I look little at a time to make sure I don't get caught looking at him, and my plan is successful! 

We finally get back to our dorm, but a few minutes after we settle down, we hear... noises... coming from the room who shushed us earlier. We knock loudly on the wall where the noises are coming from. They yell back a 'sorry' before quieting down. (I don't know what YOU thought they were doing, but they were playing a video game and one was getting the shit beat out of them because they beat the other person and rubbed it in their face 🙄) "That person must've really been mad that they lost." I break the silence in our dorm. Stan hums and nods. I walk over to his bed and plop myself down. I put my arm around his shoulder and ask him, "Watcha doin baba grill?" He just looks at me with a weird expression before showing me his phone screen. "Cooll" he starts scrolling, but scrolls past a familiar looking photo. "Wait." I scroll back up to look at the photo, and find out that it's a photo of Stan and I hugging at the party. "What the fuck is this?" I ask Stan, hoping he'll know the answer. He looks distressed after he reads the caption. 'Uhm excuse me who let these two be together 😍' he quickly looks at the comments 'Omg cute' 'Ladies and gays, get you a man like this 😝😝' I cringe at the weird ass comments. Suddenly I get a flow of texts from Wendy. 

Wendster- Youre dating Stan and u didn't tell me?? 

Wendster- it's ok!! I'm not mad y/n!!

Me- sorry, we kinda just started dating :)

Wendster- I'll let you get away with it this time L/n (last name, what wattpad reader doesn't know that 😶 (apologies to any new people to wattpad)) 

I chuckle and roll my eyes at this text. "Wendy thinks we're dating." I tell Stan

"Same with my other friends" he sighs. "Why the hell would they just assume??" He runs his hands through his hair in frustration. 

"It's ok, we'll get through it." I soothe him by rubbing his back in circles. He weakly smiles at me and leans on me. I keep rubbing until he falls asleep. I snicker and take a picture of him asleep. I make sure it looks good and send it to Wendy 'little baby fell asleeep 💀' I text her after the photo. 'Lol' she sends back and I put Stan to bed and tuck him in, then walk to the bathroom with my pyjamas. I take the makeup off my face and change into my pyjamas. I have a melatonin gummy and start reading my book. 

After about 15 minutes, I start getting tired, and I put the book down, and go to sleep.

1082 words not including this! Hope you enjoyed! 2 chapters in one night! And both are over 1000 words!! I'm so proud anyway have a good day/night and I'll see you in the next chapter! ❤️❤️

My Dumbass Roommate [Stan Marsh x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now