Election Day

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"What do you mean he can't come?" I yell into my phone.

"With all this hostility towards Russia right now, we can't have an unscheduled visit from any political figure. And the son of the president being the BOYFRIEND of my son won't look good to Russia would it?" My dad explains. He's right, asking him to let Ambrose come was a long shot. We had only just come back from our month long trip to the Maldives, and now I was on my way back to Latvia to support my dad in the election.

"What am I supposed to tell Ambrose?"

"That him coming here is only going to double the chances of war."

I hang up my phone, exiting the hallway and re-entering our dorm room.

"So what did he say?" Ambrose asks, clutching his pillow, rocking back and forth.

"He said that you coming with me could be seen as an act of aggression against Russia."

"Are you serious? All I want to do is support my amazing boyfriend at an important time for his family. And just because my father happens to be the president, I have to be stuck here."

"You aren't stuck here. Hanging out with Shinsuke and Dimitri? Go stay with your family back at the White House? You have a private jet, just take a day trip down to Oklahoma."

"Out of all places in America, why Oklahoma?"

"I don't know what shit you guys do here. I'm Latvian for fucks sake."

Ambrose rushes over to me, pulling me into a hug.

"I'm gonna miss you so much babe."

"Not as much as I'll miss you."

"Will you be staying at this school if your father wins?"

"We graduate soon anyway. Plus what could keep me away from my fated lover, the golden boy of the USA, Ambrose Kennedy." I announce sarcasticly.

Ambrose puts his hand to his forehead, slightly above his left eyebrow.

"Always." He says.


Once I take off from the airport. I feel a buzz from my pocket. It's my dad. The election results have started counting. It's looking bleak, with dad's opponent, the leader of the conservative party, in a small lead. But early votes usually favour one party over the other anyway. My Father, being the more progressive candidate, is likely to take the votes within the cities, so it's up to the villages to secure his win.

My phone rings. It's Ambrose. I put him on speaker, continuing to watch the live counting.

"It's not looking good is it?" Ambrose asks through the phone. "That other guy is way ahead. Mr. F... I'm not even gonna try to pronounce that."

"It's Freijs. And these early votes usually sway conservative."

"But aren't you worried?"

"I know Latvia will make the right decision. Putting Freijs in charge would most likely lead to obliteration by Russia."

"Still no word on if they will invade westward?"

"Nope. Estonia, Lithuania, Finland even. No country can get any of their plans."

"So where are you now?"

"I literally just left. I'm flying over Pennsylvania right now."

"How long is the flight?"

"Eleven hours, and most of it is just cruising over the Arctic Ocean."

"God I wish I was there with you. We could binge some movies and cuddle the whole time."

"Yeah. You wouldn't be able to keep your hands off me."

"Excuse me. But I have a little self control. But yeah, I wouldn't be able to resist from your little boy pussy.' He remarks sexually.

"Shhh, c'mon dude. I'm on speaker remember?"

"Yeah, and I'm with the guys. Isn't that right Dimitri? Shinsuke?"

"Hey there Boy Pussy." Dimitri laughs.

"Good luck with your dad's election?" Shinsuke shouts.

"Nah, but seriously. Me and Shinsuke don't come from political backgrounds, so we really don't know what it feels like. For so much of your family's future to be decided by a whole country. Shinsuke says.

"Yeah, my dad is just an executive at some finance company." Shinsuke interjects.

"Ambrose, were you on speaker the whole time?" I query.

"No, just that last part."

Okay, I'm going. Gonna try and get some rest so I'm not severely jetlagged for all of the events we have planned for the next few days, win or lose."

"Okay, Patrick."

"Tell your dad, Dimitri said hi."

"Love you babe, miss you babe. I'm gonna hang up now, and leave this room. Because I have a strong feeling that these two wanna bang, and I'm being a massive third wheel."

"Yeah, get out" I hear Dimitri yell. "I've got an emo Japanese painter to bone."

"Dimitri stop the door is ope—."

I hang up. Lay my seat back. Grab my pillow and Blanket and doze off.

Hopefully the Latvian public can see past my father's stupid actions in his last term and vote him in. Freijs would not handle the imminent war well.

This Is Achillean (Boy X Boy) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now