I accidentally pulverised a ship captain [Percy]

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"It's still gonna take some getting used to the whole 'a god blessed our parents and now we're kinda Greek demigods,'" I said, leaning against the ship's railing, watching the waves churn below.

"Tell me about it," replied my brother Harry, "Wizardry I get, but this demigod business is something else."

"Well I didn't go to Hogwarts so: fresh perspective for me."

He laughed.

"We're not just any wizards now," I continued, trying to find humor in our situation. "We're wizard-demigods. That's got to be rare, right?"

Harry chuckled. "Definitely."

Grover, a satyr and our supposed protector, (no offence but the guy's scrawny af and can barely walk properly) chimed in, "Hate to break it to ya but there are two wizard-demigods but technically they are legacies."

"So, Camp Halfblood , huh?" I mused aloud. "Do you think it'll be like Hogwarts?"

"I dunno." Harry said. "The wizarding world there is supposed to be quite different. And I mean Hogwarts is controlled by a tyrannical evil headmaster who killed our parents, that's working under a corrupt government or rather the corrupt government's working for him."

Harry turned to Grover, "I've been thinking," he began, his voice serious, "about how our magic might interact with this new side of us. Magic and divine blood. It could be a powerful combination."

"And a dangerous one." Grover added. "Though depends on the deity."

I turned from watching the sea and faced Harry, "Well, we're on a cruise ship let's go explore."

With a nod from both Harry and Grover, we set off to explore the ship. There was a sense of tension but excitement in the air. The ship was .bustling with activity as passengers moved about, enjoying the amenities and soaking in the ocean breeze.

As we wandered the decks, taking in the sights and sounds of the ship, I saw the buffet and got an idea. "Grover they have enchiladas." and with that he ran in there.

Harry looked at me suspiciously.

"What. It's hard to have fun. With him watching us every second." I smirked. "So how bout we explore the captain's cabin."

"That is a stupid idea." Harry responded, "Even by my standards. And I fought a three headed dog and am helping to start the next wizarding war."

I rolled my eyes, "You need to get your priorities straight."

Without waiting for a response, I dragged him down the hall. To the captain's cabin.

"What are we even gonna do in here?" Harry asked, "Wouldn't it be better to go the control deck, where the captain actually is driving the ship."

(That's what I was gonna do but my source changed my mind)

I shrugged, "I dunno."

"What do you think you're doing in here?" The voice was low and menacing, sending shivers down my spine.

We froze, our hearts pounding in our chests as we turned to face the unexpected intruder. Standing in the doorway was the captain herself.

"We, uh, we were just..." Harry stammered, his voice trembling with fear.

But before he could finish, the fury's lips curled into a wicked smile. "Exploring, were we?" she hissed, her voice dripping with malice. "Curiosity killed the cat, you know."

"It's not like we meant any harm," I said with a hint of attitude.

Harry chided me through our mental link, "Dude, for once stop being sassy."

The captain's shirt ripped revealing red, scaly wings. Her smile widened, revealing rows of sharp teeth. "Oh, I know," she purred. "But you see, I have a strict policy when it comes to stowaways."

Her form contorted, her human facade melting away to reveal her true, monstrous form. Her skin was a sickly shade of crimson red mottled with patches of rough, scaly scales that gleamed in the dim light. Her eyes burned with a fiery intensity, glowing a malevolent shade of crimson as she bared her jagged teeth in a sinister grin. With a wicked smile, the creature advanced towards us, her wings unfurling with a deafening rustle. Great just great. This had to be our first monster and we're also unarmed.

Someone broke down the doors: Grover. "Percy! Harry!"

"Hey Grover." I replied unenthusiastically. "Help us out here."

He threw me a pen as the creature advanced closer and closer to us.

I stared at him incredulously, "It's a pen, a bloody fucking pen."

"Uncap it!"

So I did. It turned into a sword. Why am I surprised. I just found out I'm a blessing demigod also I'm a wizard. So why am I so surprised that a pen can turn into a sword. You know I should probably stop internal monologuing before she kills us. Five - ten seconds later: creature stabbed, creature disappears in gold dust, me and Harry shooketh. (Him more than me.)

Harry took a deep breath. "What. Was. That?"

"A fury. Better to be called A Kindly One." Grover sighed.

Harry blinked, "What the fuck is a fury?"

"Mythological monsters. There's three of them. They work under Hades... at least most of the time. Also call them The Kindly Ones. Names have power."

"They say that in the wizarding world."

We scoffed, "The Kindly Ones: doesn't sound like an appropriate name."

Grover shrugged, a sheepish look crossing his face. "Yeah, well, they're not exactly known for their kindness."

I couldn't help but let out a nervous laugh, the adrenaline still coursing through my veins. "Well, that was certainly an unexpected turn of events. But now I need some rest."

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