We get a weird dream from the gods [Harry]

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Never have I ever thought dreams could get this freaky. But then here I was standing in a white void with my brother talking to some gods. Now I think I understand Percy's confusion. At .... this.

"Who are you?" Percy asked.

And one by one, the gods introduced themselves.

There was: Hades, Ares, Demeter, Hestia, Ares, Artemis and Apollo.

"I'm still confused."

Ares rolled his eyes. "In summary, Zeus and hates you. Hephaestus couldn't make it tonight he was busy. We see potential in you and decided to train you."

"Potential for what?"

"Oh. It's nothing ."

"And both my parents are alive."

"Isn't your mom alive- ish?"

"Oh. It's nothing." He smiled deceivingly.

"Did you just-"

"Can we just get on with the training?" I asked. "Please?"

I'm gonna skip over what happens next because I'm tired. (No you're not, my self can't just think of words to write)

So in summary, we got trained in sword fighting. Percy did archery and he was really good. I didn't get a chance to practice. So I'll just do it at camp. Percy's favourite god is Hades. And I really don't think he likes Apollo

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