Chapter 10

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"I'm sorry for lashing out on you like that I was upset. Still is . And you were pushing My irritation further. I shouldn't have came in here how I did and I shouldn't have came at you like that and I hope you can accept my apology." Shakeya apologized.

" I apologize for provoking you I know how much you hate being cut off yelled at and having fingers in your face and I did it anyways. I was wrong and I will accept yours if you accept mine." I explained, we were both wrong and we knew it. But this apology came three days after the fight. Shakeya being a stubborn brat didn't wanna talk to me and walk ignoring my calls and telling Jaylin to tell me to leave everytime I came to her house. I guessed they talked her into coming over because she was on my couch when I came in from the work out room.

After apologizing we hugged and started laughing at the little scratches and bruises that we left on each other.

"aye chill cause you got that ass beat too so don't be trying to make it seem like you was untouched." I pointed and her busted lip.

"Nigga I know but that shit was petty though." She laughed

" cause yo petty ass but Fuck all that what you got up for the day."

"Nothing bout to be at the crib my back been killing me this girl be hella active and it put a lot of pressure on my bladder and back." She informed me.

" Awwwww wanna stay with me Moma I will help you with your pregnancy problems."

"You sure you want me to stay yo apartment already full."

"Don't worry imma make sure She outta here before the end of the week." Dejon said coming from the back room with Jr walking beside him making shakeya giving me a look that said 'why the hell is he here'.

They were matching both wore some black and grey joggers with a black Nike shirt and some all black air forces. Jr had on one of Dejon chains and a Batman watch. While Dejon wore his other two chains and the black g-shot I bought a while back.

"Gmomaaaaa !!!" Jr yelled running into keya's lap. She pulled him into a hug and sat Jim on her lap.

" hey baby wassup with cho handsome self. Where you bout to go?"she asked him.

"Correction where are you going?" I said giving keya the eye." Baby you looking sexy it must be somewhere exciting." l complemented my baby .

"Thank ma"

"Thank you baby" Jr and Dejon said simultaneously. Making keya give me a wtf look. Dejon was smirking at me with his jealous ass. I rolled my eyes at his attention thirsty ass.

"Tell G Moma where you going" I said looking at Jr.

"dada take park." He said

"He is ?." I returned

"mhm" he nodded

" you going to stay clean to not mess up your nice outfit." I asked him. Earning another nod.

"Jr tell them what we doing after the park?" Dejon said

"eat eat" he said full of excitement. This boy loved food just like his Moma.

"where y'all going to eat?" Keya asked.

"We going to somebody house you trying to come.?" He asked her. I watched as she pondered for a while.

"yes or no cause I'm not going" I said

"yes you are I picked your outfit out and ran you bath water on taking him to the park for a while so you can relax and get dressed." He informed me.

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