Chapter 3: A Journey Begins

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The plane soared above the clouds, offering a bird’s-eye view of the vast Atlantic Ocean below. Khalil, staring out of the window, felt as though he was leaving one world and entering another.

Laila, seated beside him, was engrossed in her tech magazines, occasionally jotting down notes on a pad. Across the aisle, Jabari, eyes closed, seemed to be in a meditative trance, beads clutched in his hand as he murmured softly.

The flight was long, but the anticipation made every moment electrifying. Khalil tried to catch some sleep but found himself returning to his recurring dream: The vast landscapes, the beckoning figure, and now, a new element – a lion, regal and powerful, its eyes locked onto his.

He awoke with a start, the dream's”intensity still lingering. Noticing his discomfort, Laila nudged him, “Another dream?”

Khalil nodded, “It’s evolving. There was a lion this time.”

Jabari, overhearing the conversation, interjected, “The lion, in many African cultures, symbolizes strength, courage, and leadership. It’s seen as a guardian spirit.”

Laila smirked, “Or maybe Khalil just watched too many nature documentaries.”

The trio laughed, the jovial mood breaking the tension. The remainder of the flight was filled with light-hearted banter, shared music playlists, and discussions about their first destination.

As the plane began its descent, the vast African continent spread out below them. Khalil felt a surge of emotions – excitement, apprehension, and a deep sense of connection. The land seemed to call out to him, resonating with the beats of his heart.

Upon landing, the trio was greeted by the warm African sun and the cacophony of a bustling airport. As they navigated the customs and collected their luggage, Khalil felt a weight on his shoulder. Turning, he found an elderly woman with wise, knowing eyes staring at him.

“You have come,” she whispered, her voice like the rustling of old leaves. Before Khalil could respond, she melted into the crowd, leaving him stunned.

Laila, having witnessed the interaction, raised an eyebrow, “Who was that?”

Khalil, still processing, replied, “I don’t know, but I feel like our journey has truly begun.”

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