Day 1

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January 1st 2007, Hannah was a slave who was going to be sold tonight as she was in a small bedroom on the ship that was going towards a certain city where slaves would be sold. Hannah had on lace bra & panties with chained jewels hanging on the bra & panties as Hannah was a gorgeous girl as she had lived in South Carolina where she was born and taken from as Hannah was kidnapped when 18. Hannah listened to the sounds around her as she couldn't see because the men on the ship had blind folded her. The door was starting to be unlocked as Hannah laid down fast and pretended to be asleep as all the girls were ordered to sleep but she couldn't because of how scared she was, as the door opened she heard footsteps as a tall man walked in "Good she's finally laying down." A tall man said as he shut the door and locked it with a key as he went and sat down on a chair "since your a stubborn girl I have to watch you now." A tall man stated as his tone was annoyed, Hannah made some noises acting like she was waking up because of the noise "Great your awake." A tall man said as he got up and got on the edge of the bed next to her as he moved his right hand towards her and cupped her cheek "if I could I would buy you but that's against my job I cannot buy you gorgeous ladies.." a tall man said as he ran his thumb over her lips "get your hands off of me." Hannah said as she pushed his hand away "Oh? And who says you can do what you want. I may not own you but I can still punish you" A tall man said sternly as he slapped her as he got up "You say that again and you will be sold to a sex house forever." A tall man said as he unlocked the door and left locking it behind him. Hannah couldn't believe she finally talked back even though she knew she would be punished but she did it "I did it." Hannah mumbled her words under her breath.
As hours pass Hannah heard the ship horn meaning here was the first stop as this wasn't her stop so she didn't care as all the girls were tagged by what stop they are as Hannah was the 8th stop. Hannah just relaxed as she sighed in relief that it wasn't her stop.
All Hannah can do now is hope and wait.

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