Chapter 1: CD's And New Friends

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Chapter 1: CD's And New Friends


I hate Mondays. That was the only thought the went through my head as I sorted CDs. You see, every Friday we get a delivery of the new CDs that came out that week and on Monday we sort them into alphabetical order. It usually isn't hard at all, but today there's this signing thing and we have to be really fast and finish before the band comes. "Raven!"

Someone called me, "Are you done with these?" I heard my manager, Cara, calling me. She pointed towards the CDs I was sorting. "Yeah, just a second." I replied with a tired voice, and I wondered if she even heard me, but apparently she did because I saw her nodding in my direction. As I finished sorting the CDs I asked John what band was coming today, and he just shrugged and I sighed. I hoped that it'll be a good one. I got up from position of hovering over a box that was filled with CDs and went to ask Cara why she called me earlier.

"Oh Raven, finally." She gave me a disapproving look and I mentally rolled my eyes. "You wanted something?" "Yes. The band 5 Seconds Of Summer is coming to do a signing today I want you to stand by the entrance and welcome them." 5 Seconds Of Summer? Who are they? "Yeah ok. That's something I can do. But when does the signing start? My shift ends in two hours..." I replied. "Well then you'll have to stay a bit longer." She replied sternly. Cara was a good boss, she was understanding, and nice most of the time. But when she's under stress she is a disaster to be around. "What do you mean? Will I get payed? Does that means that the time that I stay will go down from my next shift?" I asked quickly, barely breathing between each question. "You'll get extra payment. Happy?" I smiled at her, satisfied.


They were hot. I mean, I'm not one to gawk at hot guys, but god, have you seen they're drummer? Ashton I think is the name. Like, fucking hell, he has dimples, and this smile, and fuck, he's hot. I explained them a few things about the signing, helped them get settled and comfortable. I chatted with them as well, they were very nice, and I have to admit, quite charming.

After the signing, I saw two guys walking towards the band. "I'm sorry, but the signing ended a few minuets ago." I said to the short blonde one. He had beautiful blue eyes, and a nice smile. "Don't worry Raven, they're with us. Don't you recognize them?" Ashton told me. I was flattered that he actually knew my name, but then what he said actually sunk in, and I squinted my eyes trying to figure out why were the two men so familiar to me. 

I looked around the store and when I sighted a poster with their, an three more guys picture on it, I finally realized. "Oh it's you." I said. I didn't mean to sound mean, but I just heard about them everywhere, that frankly, I was tired of it. I mean, their music is catchy and nice, definitely not my style, and I have to admit that they were very handsome, but they were everywhere. And how can I not get tired of them? "I'm sorry for my tone it's just um, never mind." I said quickly trying to cover my rude reply.

Ashton raised an eyebrow at me, but let it slide. "Well, I'll take it that you know us?" The one with the chocolate eyes and quiff asked me. I think his name is zain? Zyin? Oh right, Zayn. "Yeah, I think so." I replied and looked at the posters hung around the store to explain.  

"But we don't know you. So, I'm Niall, and that's Zayn. What's your name?" The blonde one, Niall as he introduced himself, asked me. Also, I was quite proud of myself for remembering Zayns name. "Oh, I'm Raven. I work here." I said and looked down at my HMV shirt. "It's nice to meet you Raven." Zayn said as he smiled at me and Niall nodded. "I need to get to work guys, but it was nice to meet you." I smiled at them all and went to the back of the store, because my shift ended a long time ago, and I had much better things to do with my time.

I was about to say my final goodby to everyone when I realized that I didn't have my phone. I frowned and looked around me, but nothing. Eventually I thought that maybe I left on the table where the signing was. I jogged over and saw five boys huddling around Ashton, that held my phone. 

I went over to then and tried to get it back from Ashton's hands. "Na-uh. Not until you tell me the code." He smirked. Pff no way. "Never!" I yelled and jumped to fetch my phone away from him. He moved his hands and I ended up on the floor, phone-less. "That's not very nice. And who's that guy? Is he your boyfriend?" He grinned at me. I snorted in laughter, "ha I wish. That's brendon urie. Lead vocals for Panic! At The Disco, and the hottest guy on earth." I said.

For a girl that doesn't gawk at hot boys I sure think about them a lot.

Though I do have a boyfriend, thank you very much, but I'm not gonna tell them that. "He is hot." Ashton confirmed, making me laugh. He handed me the phone after it got locked for a minuet, as He sighed defeated while I smirked in triumph. I unlocked the phone and as soon as I did that, it was taken away from me into Luke's hands. 

I tried to catch it but all the boys of 5sos passed it between them. When I finally got my phone back, I grabbed my bag and left the store while yelling "I hate you!" To the laughing boys behind me. Suddenly I stopped in my place when I realized that escorting then out of the store was part of what cara asked me to do. My eyes widen and I ran back in, grabbed their arms and pushed them through the door. The six boys looked at me surprised and I just shrugged. "I can't really leave you there, my boss would kill me." I said as I locked the doors and left.

The whole day was quite the surprise for me. I got along very fast, which never happened for me before. In fact, since I came from Scotland to London I made only 2 friends. and my boyfriend, Dean. The band were very friendly, and even asked if I would like to hang out with them sometimes. It was really strange, I knew the for what, six hours and I already felt like we knew each other much better. It felt nice. I was definitely hoping to hang out with them soon.


A/N So that's the first chapter, please let me know if you liked it or not. Xx

pics of 5sos, Raven and Brendon on the side.

I do not own HMV, 5 Seconds Of Summer, One Direction or Brendon Urie. Though I would love to. Hint hint.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2013 ⏰

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