Chapter 4: Heal or Transform?

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I start to trudge my way through the forest—the rain from the night before making mud stick and slop onto my boots. Today we're just going to go over making my Nen ability. It would be easier to brainstorm with Bisky around to help.

I walk a bit further until I see Bisky's bright dress almost glow as it catches in the morning sun. Wow, she definitely planned that. "Really showing off your vanity there, huh?" Bisky starts to turn as she hears me; her look of serenity soon morphs into a sly expression. "But Y/n! I just want to show the world how magnificent I look while barely trying!" You can be so sarcastic sometimes, Bisky. "Okay Y/n, since you're here, we might as well quit the dilly-dallying and get started. Have you given your Nen any thought?" 

"Yeah, I was actually thinking about a healing ability? I know it isn't a combat ability so that might pose a problem if I'm ever in a fight, but I want to help people, and I think a healing ability is the right way to do it." All I want to do is help innocent people, and a healing ability certainly would help with that. 

"A healing ability could be really useful in battle in all actuality," I can feel my ears start to perk up. "You can heal yourself and others in battle and you can bring up stamina. It would also help to restore sore muscles during training too." Ah, there's the evil glint in her eye. "It would kinda be like your Nen then? You do the massage thing to build stamina back up." Maybe I could mimic Bisky's Nen in how she designed hers to give more energy than it takes to use it so it wouldn't drain me as much and be useful if I use it on me in non-fatal circumstances. 

"Yep, but the downside of having just a healing ability is it wouldn't help with the actual combat in a fight. It would be a great asset if you use it strategically yes, but it wouldn't give you extra power or make you faster which means you have to rely solely on technique and skill as opposed to say a Nen ability that gives you super strength." Bisky has a point. If I want to go to Meteor City I need to know how to defend myself, and honestly? Being a hunter is a good enough reason to want to know how to fight. Hunters are trouble magnets. 

Bisky started to pull me from my thoughts. "You can still be a good hunter without combat-based Nen though. Even someone with super strength won't know how to use it effectively without technique. You don't need a specific ability to fight with Nen; it just makes it more concentrated."

Well, that makes up my mind about what I want. "Okay! Let's figure out the specifics of my Hatsu then." I sit on the tree stump in the middle of our usual meeting place. 

Bisky starts to explain, "Healing abilities are a bit rare. You can put your aura into people and typically accelerate the healing process if they have a wound. I've seen some people accelerate growth in plants too." Wow, I didn't even think of plants. "Flesh wounds are the easiest to heal depending on the severity, but disease and sickness can be a little more tricky." Hmm. 

"I want to be able to heal anything." 

"Well then, you either need to change the typical fundamentals of a healing Hatsu or set a condition." 

What would I change?

I think back to when I first really saw a visual of what my Nen could do. When I transformed that leaf into a flower. The plant sprouting with life and new-found color. Hmm... I start to rest my head on a propped-up elbow as I think... Wait, transform! That's it!

"Bisky, you know how I turned the leaf from yesterday into a flower when I used my aura?"

"Yeah? What about it?"

I start to talk, "Instead of putting in my aura to speed up healing, what if I use my nen to change the person to the point where there's no wound to heal?"

Bisky furrows her eyebrows. "I kinda get what you mean, but explain."

"Yesterday, when I used my Nen on that leaf, I transformed the leaf into a flower from the tree it was from. I transformed it into something better. What if I do that to people?" I pause for a moment, thinking, "Without altering their head...hopefully." I wince and squint to the side. Bisky started to grin. 

"What would the conditions be for an ability that can make things shapeshift?" Bisky questioned. Uhh.

"Hmm. For one, I can only fix things. I can't take a vase or something and turn it into a water bottle just cause I want to. It would have to be a broken vase. Going by that too, maybe I could limit it to a better version of itself. Meaning, that if I do use the ability on a broken vase, it would turn into a new vase. Just like how that leaf only turned into a flower from the tree it belonged to."  Bisky started to hum. "Does that mean you can use your Nen on non-living things too? How would that work with the dead?" Oh right. "I can't say I want to bring people back from the dead, so that should be another condition as well," I state matter-of-factly. 

Bisky began to talk again, "So, no changing non-broken subjects, no completely changing the subject, and no raising the dead? That's a decent start. We should work on refining it a tad more though." I nod in agreement. 

"Not sure if it's my place to ask, but what do you want with a healing ability? Anything specific?" Curiosity plainly painted on Bisky's face. 

"I want to be able to help people and change others for the better," I say calmly.

"Yeah, go figure, Sherlock. Whatcha planning to do after this specifically?" Bisky looks irritated at my answer, but there's still an odd fondness in her eyes. 

"I want to go to Meteor City."

Did Bisky just choke?

After the apparent shock began to fade, Biscuit looked at me and spoke in a serious tone, "Why do you want to go there? Meteor City is filled to the brim with criminals. Why would you want to heal there???" 


"There's a lot of kids and innocent people there. That's who I want to help. I doubt they have enough medicine for more fatal wounds or sicknesses."

Bisky's shoulders dropped. "Y/n, are you sure this is a good idea? You've just recently become a hunter. That would be a lot to chew." 

"I'm sure," without a doubt. "Something's telling me I need to be there."

Bisky sighed. 

"Well, you better be damn good at self-defense if you want to protect yourself on top of multiple other people."

With determination swelling in my chest, I smiled. 

"Got it!"

Flowers Bloom in Spring (Chrollo Lucifer x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now