Chapter 7: Take Me to Church

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The gates closed behind us as we walked through.

Though it was still Meteor City, the inside of the wall looked significantly better. 

Kids were running around and chasing each other; laughter and the clatter of the locals going about their day filled the scene. You could still smell the pungent, burning trash from outside, but the air was fresher here. Seems like most of the debris was on the outskirts of the city. Some items were old, yet there was obvious care put into preserving the items. Cups, plates, and infrastructure were all meticulously cared for just from what I could see. 

George smiled at me, "Shall we get going Y/n?"  

I stopped staring at the bustling town before me and turned my gaze to him instead. "Absolutely."

The inside of the town seemed like a cultural melting pot of race and community. Though it still had shady figures, it was a better environment to raise kids. Compared to the literal hot garbage found on the outside being full of criminals and A-class thugs, it was really... nice. Beautiful in how much ingenuity there is. I guess the human spirit never fails. 

George and I were walking as I continued to gawk at the civilization built from basically nothing. 

"The church is more of the center of the city, so you'll have a lot of places you can get to. Most of the shops are more here in the Southern part." George started explaining and I tried to soak up every word. I need to know the geography to get around. "Where do most of the kids typically stay? They're my main mission after all." 

"They live more up Northeast, but...ya might not get much help there. The nannies are always wary of newcomers. Better to meet the kids after church Sunday; Father Lisores hosts activities there too."

 It's good that the place where I'm staying for the time being is having kids walking in and out of it regularly. I wonder if there's a map I could get. "What's the run-down on the places here?"

We kept following a path between the shops, most of the shops selling crafts and materials were on my right. On my left was mostly food and produce. There was a large building in front of us overlooking ahead. The stained windows showered the ground and buildings close to it with color. The breathtaking sight grew more apparent as we walked. The growing orange and pink hues in the sky only aiding in its brilliance. It would only take a few more minutes to reach the church. 

George looked away, thinking about the question I asked. "Kids stay in the Northeast corner, adults stay West, Church is in the middle, and the shops and other attractions mostly stay South with some exceptions like the park. The dump is also North while the forest and agriculture are West." He listed off the places, trying to remember them all as we walked. 

"That's pretty much the basics, but I don't mind helping ya whenever ya need."

"I'll try my best to remember it. Thank you." I say with a polite smile. George has been helping me a lot through all this. Even if I don't get it all now, I have two months to get everything down!

The church was massive compared to all the buildings around it. The doors were a rich dark brown with the walls being a light cream. George knocked on the door. 

"Father Lisores, it's George! I'm with Y/n!" George yelled and we started to hear clatter on the other side. One of the two doors opened. 

"George, I'm glad to see you. My, and you must be Y/n. George said you'll be staying with us in the church?" 

Father Lisores was a sweet-looking man. He had to be in his late sixties, but he seemed to still be going strong. He smiled at me with closed eyes and his mustache bent along with his smile. His curly hair poked out from his hat in long waves. He looked kind. 

"It's nice to meet you, Father."

Father Lisores looked up at the sky; seeming to realize the time as he glanced back at us. "You two must be tired. Please come inside." Lisores smiled as he opened the church doors wider.

Compared to George, Lisores's voice was softer. It was more refined with rounded edges that made him all the more inviting. Father turned to me, "Y/n, the guest room is upstairs, third door to the right. You can put your things down and unpack there."

"Okay, thank you!"



I was finally done with getting unpacked! The bedroom was nice. It was clean with a twin sized bed by the window. Old, flowered wall paper were on the walls along with a dark brown wood. It was nice. The wardrobe was just the right size and there was even a desk by the wall. The bathroom was well-cared for and clean.

I sunk down on the bed with a plop. The widow gave a good view of meteor city. It was not the greatest vantage point, but it was enough to see the tops of small buildings and the occasional person walk by. I guess I should go downstairs. 


Father Lisores, George, and I talked for a while before we helped Father prepare a soup. After it got too late, George left and we said our goodbyes. Both be and Father discoved we both love reading and discussed some of our favorites afterwards. Following that, be decided to retire to our respective rooms for the night. I looked at the night sky as I drifted off to sleep. What am I going to do next?


The next morning I woke up and had breakfeast with Father Lisores. I thought today I should explore the town a bit more and maybe try and talk to some of the locals at some shops. I grab my bag as I told Father goodbye and stepped out the door. 

I held up my hand to shield myself from the sun's glare. I guess its time to go to the market. Father said that he's been meaning to pickup flour for the church so I wanted to suprise him and save him a trip by getting it for him. Let's see...the market it just two lefts then straight right?

I continued to walk. Each road seemed less familiar by the minute. My walking sped up as I started to panic. I should've took a map. I should've took a map. I should've took a-

I crashed into someone and we both stumbled as he caught me. "Are you okay?"

He said it in a concerned tone. I pulled myself off of him as looked up. He was handsome with short black hair framing his face and a tattoo in the middle of his forehead.

"Y-yeah, I'm good. I'm so sorry! I'm Y/n."

The man looked at me and offered a smile. "I'm Chrollo, Chrollo Lucifer." 

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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