ii. your wish is my command

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chapter two. your wish is my command 
pre. s1e1

It was the sun that woke Selina up rather than the rowdy crew she was with. It was beating down on her, warming her entire body. She bathed in it for a few seconds before her hand began burning and the ship she was on moved with the waves, reminding her of her situation. Blood had seeped through the bandage she had made around the wound. Selina knew it needed proper treatment and she was no doctor. 

She pushed herself off the floor and glanced around the ship. The deck was full of movement. Crewmembers were busy with tasks, some taking barrels and crates off the ships and others repairing the ship. Though it was teeming with activity Selina noticed the crew was significantly smaller than it had been when she arrived. 

Her body went on alert at the presence beside her. Selena whipped her head to see the captain. She had made the mistake of falling asleep so her power had worn off and the knowledge of what she did had returned to him. Selina prepared herself for an attack to come her way but to her surprise the man smiled. 

"We'll be setting off shortly, yer may want ter see if anyone at the Baratie can help find you a ship." He swung a bag over his shoulder and started walking away. 

"That's it?" Selina called after him in disbelief. "That's it. Fortune to yer, youngin." He spoke without turning around. 

Even after the man had disappeared below deck, Selina stood frozen in place as she waited for something to happen. It wasn't until the beating of her heart returned to normal that she started walking off the ship. The ship in front of her was shaped like a fish carrying a ship on its back. bright red letters read BARATIE. Selina started towards it. 

When she walked in she was greeted by a Fishman or at least she assumed he was one. She had never met one before, only heard stories in passing. "Reservation?" He sounded tired as if he had been doing this all day even though the sun had just risen. 

"No," She slipped her hand on top of his that was resting on the podium. "But you don't give a fuck, do you?" 

"I do not give a fuck." Selina smiled. "Please take me to a table." The man nodded and gathered up a menu, breaking their touch but Selina kept her hold on him. She sat down at the booth he had led her to. "Your waiter will be with you shortly." As he walked away, Selina kept an inch of her power focused on the man. The second she relaxed so would her hold and she'd surely be kicked out. Her stomach growled in desperation as she looked over the menu.

"Hello, madam." Selina glanced up to see a blond man in a black suit. His hands were in his pockets casually as he smiled at Selina in a way she had only seen when her powers were activated. "You look absolutely radiant tonight. What can I get you? On the menu, off the menu, whatever you desire. Your wish is my command." 

Selina thought for a moment she had activated her devil fruit without noticing but she knew how it felt when she was twisting someone's mind, altering it for her own desires and it didn't feel like this. 

"Do you have any ships?" Her mind had left her hunger, now she only wanted to get away from this strange man who acting in strange, real ways. 

He chuckled but even after his laughter had stopped a small smile remained on his lips. "I'm afraid that's a little bit too of the menu, darling." He had an accent and it was stronger as the pet name slipped past his lips. "What about the ship you arrived on?" 

"I was a stowaway on that ship. I doubt it'll wait for me to finish my meal before sailing off." 

"Well, passenger ships come by here every first of the week so I'm afraid you just missed them." Selina sighed. She could always use her fruit on whatever captain was on the docks after she finished her meal but if she fell asleep again her fruit would wear off and she doubted any other pirates would be as kind as the one from before had been. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2023 ⏰

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